View Full Version : epoxy questions

andrew whicker
03-13-2018, 11:50 AM
Hi all,

Building a walnut dining table with maple bowties. Looking to fill in the extra void with epoxy (would like black).

- Will black epoxy stain the maple butterfly?
- Bowtie first, sanding, then epoxy? Vice Versa? Something else?
- Tung oil / other finishes on the epoxy? How does that work?
- Recommended brands.

I'm starting my research here. This has probably been discussed at ad infintum.

Bill McNiel
03-13-2018, 12:42 PM
I've done my share of similar projects and FWIW this would be my approach;
-Epoxy, West Systems 105 Resin and 205 Hardener (I use the pump system) is colored with a couple of drops of TransTint dye. Yes it will stain the maple, how deep depends on the density of the maple.
-Epoxy first then Dutchmen. This reduces trapped air bubbles under the Dutchman and unwanted staining of the maple.
-WaterLox OSF is my go to finish for a table project like this for a number of reasons;
---It adds a soft Amber tone which enhances to natural color tones in both woods.
---It is a great, virtually waterproof, finished surface for a table or counter. I finished the only counter in my shop with it and leave a sweating glass on it all the time to show clients.
---It is easy to repair the eventual abuse that the table will experience. WaterLox is self bonding.
---It will bond to the epoxy without special prep.
---It will easily rubout, using MicroMesh pads, to the sheen you desire assuming you do not feature a piano shine. Note-you really do have to wait approximately four weeks to rubout properly.
---It is one of the most foolproof finishes I have ever used, both in application and easy rubout.

Regards - Bill

andy bessette
03-13-2018, 12:44 PM
Bowties look like BandAids, especially when exaggerated by high contrast.

Tom M King
03-13-2018, 2:34 PM
If you just need a small quantity of black epoxy, the cheapest source is to get golf club epoxy. It's black to start with, and even professional club builders don't need much of it. Shelf life is in years.
