View Full Version : Just a gloat of some spalted wood from log pile

Benjimin Young
03-04-2018, 7:41 AM
I kept a few short logs from an April 2016 tree fall. Back then the sawyer said they were too short to include in the milling. I had planned to cut some cookies for my wife.
I stored the logs outside the 1st year and inside a storage tent 2nd year on old 2x4s on the ground.
I just cut the first log and was very surprised and delighted with the spalting, so much so I even planned the boards. Hopefully the rest will yield something similar so high priority to get the chainsaw out asap to trim and properly store the rest of the logs before it is too late. The cut pieces in teh pictures are at 20% moisture so I will be carefully stickering and pampering all the wood.