View Full Version : Sharpening LN Chisels

Dennis McDonaugh
11-11-2005, 4:48 PM
Anyone put a hollow grind on an LN chisel? I usually grind my chisels on a Tormek then move to waterstones for honing. I noticed the LN's have a 30 degree bevel while most other bench chisels have a 25 degree bevel. Is the steel LN uses more brittle than high carbon steel found in other chisels?

Tim Sproul
11-11-2005, 5:04 PM
They're A2 steel. Unless you are going to dedicate them for paring work, you want 30 degree bevels. The edge tends to be very weak with a 25 degree bevel....'least that is what I've heard and that would jibe with my experiences with A2 steel plane irons.

Mike Wenzloff
11-11-2005, 5:47 PM
Yep, you can hollow grind any tool just about.

Hollow at 30 and hone at 30 or more. You can also hollow at 25 and hone at 30, but a honing jig is recommended at that point for accuracy. Hollow grinding at 30 will leave the edge and heel at approximately 30, but still allow several honings before the bevel is fully established. This makes hand honing a breeze as there are two points of registration on a stone.

If you go straight from the Tormek grinder to the leather honing wheel, grind at 30 anyway. Razor sharp is possible with this method. I sharpen carving tools for many people and the edge can get incredibly sharp without rounding over. Just make sure you are careful when using the leather honing wheel.

Take care, Mike

Dennis McDonaugh
11-11-2005, 6:21 PM
Thanks Mike, I'll give it a try.

Mark Singer
11-11-2005, 8:26 PM
I use the Shapton stones....I have a flat bevel at 30 degrees

Mike Wenzloff
11-11-2005, 8:46 PM
Hi Mark,

I use Shaptons as well. I also am not in the camp that micro-manages bevel angles.

Whereas I may regrind using a Tormek, especially if I have it out sharpening customer edge tools anyway, I hand hone.

If the Tormek is put away and I need to correct a bevel angle for any reason, or the edge has failed very badly, I use the Veritas MK.II honing guide.

During work with any edge tools, I leave the 2000 grit Shapton on the bench and between uses (say paring) I'll give a chisel a couple swipes on the stone.

Take care,