View Full Version : a whole new marketing idea

tod evans
11-11-2005, 2:50 PM
lots of folks here seem to do the brand x is better than brand y and i think quite a bit of this has to do with the fact that nobody wants to experience buyers remorse after plunking down major money. i`ve seen the debates over euro vs traditional and the debates of combo vs seperate. well as consumers we have pretty limited means when it comes to head to head comparison. most of us for the under 2k piece of equipment can go to a local supply house and compare brand x vs y then rush home get on the computer and see how badly the local guy is trying to stick us. but when it comes to the higher dollar equipment that over 7k we are left with internet forums and more folks trying to justify to themselves as much as anyone why they bought what they did, or the manufacturers hype, or if we can we can travel to the closest "show" and hope that the 2or3 machines we want to compare are there.well i think it would be interesting if the manufacturers could arrange, at the buyers expense, for the buyer to compare brand x apples to brand y apples. say the customer pays freight to their address has both pieces to evaluate hands on before writing that check. the manufacturer whose piece is rejected eats the return freight. heck of a gamble...............wonder if any of the big boys have the desire to be judged side by side by the end user????? i for one would invest a couple hundred in freight to be able to say i made the best choice for me. what do y`all say? tod

Don Baer
11-11-2005, 3:00 PM
From a comsumer point of view thats a great Idea but if I were a manufacturer I would have a few problems with it.

First: If the comsumer doesn't buy my machine I am stuck with a used machine.

Second: What happens if my machine arrives at your shop with freight damage. What if the machine is returned damaged, whos to say that it was done by the consumer or by the freight company. Who is going to repair it and at whose cost. Sure there's insurance but pretty soon as a manufacturer I would find my premiums going up and now I'm going to have to raise my prices.

Last: I am not a manufacturer of WW machinery nor do I work for one but I have been involved in sales of a lot of industrial equipment and the logistics nightmare of tracking which machines are consigned to whom and for how long would be a real nightmare.