View Full Version : Finishing Baby rattles

Don Nicholas
02-16-2018, 2:40 PM
What is a safe finish for a Baby rattle I have a Great grandson, the first.
Don :):)

Stan Powers
02-16-2018, 4:15 PM
Congratulations on the new Great grandson.

For my grand sons and grand daughters rattles I used Walnut oil from the local grocery with a final coat of bees wax from a local beekeeper. Thy have held up reasonably well although they are overdue for another coat of wax.

Enjoy them - they grow up way too fast


Ken Fitzgerald
02-16-2018, 4:30 PM
Congratulations on the new great-grandson!

I used dewaxed shellac on the rattles I made for my twin granddaughters 8 years ago.

Don Nicholas
02-16-2018, 10:11 PM
Thank both of you gentlemen for both your reply’s. Ken, this is the second time you have helped me out. The first time was for fabrication of two ships wheels. One for the pilot house and one for the stern of the sailboat 40’ I Thank you.
you both have a good weekend.
Lakewood, Wa

Lee Schierer
02-17-2018, 1:22 PM
Congratulations on the Great Grandson.

Since everything you give a baby goes in the mouth, I would avoid any oil based products, particularly any nut oils. Polyurethane, lacquer, etc, turn into plastic once they fully cure so they are pretty much inert. Plain wood with a coating of beeswax would also be pretty harmless.