View Full Version : The latest on the DWC.. and D the tool pimp.

Dino Makropoulos
11-11-2005, 7:23 AM
Hi Guys.
Long time ago we start the "Dead Wood Concept" thread.:cool:
And here is the latest.:)
This photo gallery and this link is educational
and without shopping cart.:rolleyes:

The bottom line is that the SMC supported the idea of the DWC
and now the idea is becoming reality and beneficially to our society.

Few weeks ago I was on the emergency room, waiting for the doctors to tell me how many hours I have to live. Long Story.

Next to me was a team of doctors trying to save any
finger they can from a 60 years old man.:mad:

When my doctor give me the good news. (you can go home now.)
...I wasn't happy. I wasn't even pay attention to him.:confused:
Then, he asked me:
-What is your job?
-I'm Dino the tool pimp.

Have a good "woodworking" day guys.
even if you don't cut any wood today.:rolleyes: :D
YTP Dino

Burt Waddell
11-11-2005, 7:40 AM

Thanks for all your hard work on the EZ Smart System. I started buying the system in late September and now have the cutting, routing and repeater setups. I have been surprised at how well it works. I've even been having fun working on a square for cross cutting. Each time I go thru Dino's Gallery, I learn something.


Dino Makropoulos
11-11-2005, 7:54 AM

Thanks for all your hard work on the EZ Smart System. I started buying the system in late September and now have the cutting, routing and repeater setups. I have been surprised at how well it works. I've even been having fun working on a square for cross cutting. Each time I go thru Dino's Gallery, I learn something.

Thanks for all your help.
Your ideas and your feedback made this thing better.;)
Some times you work on a tool for so long, that is easy "only" for you to use it.
All your ideas are already in place.:D
Now I'm happy that others can take over the concept and make it better.
I may even get a day off one day.:cool:
Thanks Burt and you need to thank the forum for supporting and keeping new ideas alive.

YTP Dino

Jeff Sudmeier
11-11-2005, 9:09 AM

Glad to hear you are doing well! It is always a pleasure to view your pictures and such!! Thanks for working hard on your concept. When I have used your system, there have been times where I thought to myself, there is no way I would have done this w/o your system. I may have been able to, but wouldn't have because it wouldn't have been so easy.

John Miliunas
11-11-2005, 10:10 AM
OK, first I need to apologize to Dino if I'm overstepping my bounds here but, I felt it needs to be brought to light and is also OT for this thread.:rolleyes:

I have just found out that we indeed almost lost Dino permanently!!!!:( :( This, the cause of an accident. Happily enough, it seems that the good Lord figured Dino was not yet done doing great things on this Earth of ours and was spared.:)

BUT, sadly, at the exact same moment, Dino lost his brother to cancer. NOT in the same time period, but virtually, at the same time of Dino's accident!

Dino, please accept our sincere condolences! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family on the loss of your brother. Be at peace that he is in a better Place. Take care, my friend.

Dino Makropoulos
11-11-2005, 3:41 PM
Dino, please accept our sincere condolences! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family on the loss of your brother. Be at peace that he is in a better Place. Take care, my friend.

Thanks J.
To many signs for one day.
A Hawk flying over the accident.:cool:
The first diagnosis on the trauma center.::confused:
The guy next to me looking for his fingers.:mad:
The doctor asking me: what is your job?
...(you should have seen his face):rolleyes::D
Then the news about Nick.



Dan Forman
11-11-2005, 4:17 PM
Dino---Sorry about the loss of your brother, hope your own healing process goes well. Congrats on the repeater. Plan to make an adaptor so it can be used with that other system?


Dino Makropoulos
11-11-2005, 4:38 PM
Dino---Sorry about the loss of your brother, hope your own healing process goes well. Congrats on the repeater. Plan to make an adaptor so it can be used with that other system?

If I don't, my festoolian son
may kill me before I get well.:rolleyes:
And this is funny. The F repeater worked better than the ez repeater.:confused: Then we copy the F-repeater:D
The smart table on the above link is the new MF(S)T.
The first "dual top" Multi function smart table.:cool:

Thanks Dan.

Andrew Ault
11-11-2005, 4:57 PM

Nice design.

I am sorry to hear about your brother. My heart goes out to you and your family.

I am glad to know that you are still with us and still creating.

My best wishes to you.


Steve Clardy
11-11-2005, 7:38 PM
After finding about your accident a couple of weeks ago from you Dino, I was sure hoping everything was going to be OK with you. And as before, sorry to hear about your brother.

Dino Makropoulos
11-11-2005, 9:15 PM
thanks guys.
we start the dead wood concept and d the tool pimp another day.:cool:
And my new signature.


Paul B. Cresti
11-11-2005, 11:40 PM
I am glad to hear that you are ok. The thoughts and prayers of my family are out to yours. I am greatly sorry for your lose.

Dino Makropoulos
11-12-2005, 8:40 AM
I am glad to hear that you are ok. The thoughts and prayers of my family are out to yours. I am greatly sorry for your lose.

Thanks Paul.
That day was something else. Nick was the type of guy that he can go to great lengths in order to save a wild animal or bird. or to help a stranger.
His favor bird was a Hawk that he rescue from hunters, nurture and let it go.
The only thing I remember after the accident (I was rear ended with 75 miles on the NJ Twp and on a construction zone) was a Hawk flying over me. I was out but I can see the Hawk flying. It was the most beautiful ...

Few hours later, a nurse with some papers for me to sign and a doctor telling me that we have a big problem.
-Your brain is bleeding and we can't do nothing about it.

I ask for my phone and I call my wife. I have to fight just to get out from there. I knew that nothing was wrong with me. I knew that wasn't my time.
And if it was...this hospital wasn't the place. I think they should have better looking nurses in the emergency rooms. :(

Few hours later,after family advice, I visit the emergency room in RWJ University Hospital and ask for 2 MRI's.
The doctor say: two? why two?
After 5 hours the same doctor call the first trauma center and give them hell.
Then, he asks : What is your job? I can't believe you walk out from there. Who are you?

I was ready to go. If the doctor have bad news, I was ready.
Thanks to the Hawk that was nicely stuck in my mind.

The accident, the Hawk. the bad news on the first trauma center, the guy next to me with missing fingers, the good news from the second hospital, and the news about Nick, Now I remember. I learn about my brother before the second hospital. I was actually taken there.

I'm in peace now . And I know Nick is in peace and that he was looking after me from above.

Imagine going for good on a hospital with ugly nurses, crooked doctors and guys next to you with missing fingers.

Thanks my brother Hawk.

Thanks Paul.

May this thread rest in peace now.