View Full Version : How are you organizing fasteners?

Steve Catts
02-10-2018, 5:37 PM
Hi Creekers,

I am totally annoyed with the way I am sorting all my different screws and fasteners. I'd love to learn what you are doing to escape the chaos. Photos and/or sources would be great!


Al Launier
02-10-2018, 5:42 PM
I use the deep, clear, adjustable compartment fishing tackle boxes that have the radiussed corners at the bottom which makes removing the last few easier.

Brian Henderson
02-10-2018, 6:42 PM
I use the deep, clear, adjustable compartment fishing tackle boxes that have the radiussed corners at the bottom which makes removing the last few easier.

Same here. I used to do them in those big pull-out drawer cabinets that mount on the wall, right up until one of them melted because I had it sitting in the window. So I ran over to Harbor Freight and got a bunch of those flat clear boxes like you described and resorted everything. And because they are so cheap, I can just get more and more and more as I need them. Right now, I have 3 for just screws, 2 for bolts, 2 for washers, 2 for nuts and 1 for misc. stuff. I still have a couple cabinets that hold bigger items. They're all labeled and I'll be building a hanging cabinet to hold them all.

Matt Day
02-10-2018, 7:56 PM
Are you guys talking about these ones?

Jim Becker
02-10-2018, 8:09 PM
I have wall mounted bins with clear plastic drawers for the majority of the fasteners I use. For those sizes I use a lot, there's a unit with larger, hinged bins. These bins hold several hundred of a given size, such as 1.25" #8, 1.5" #8, 1" #7 trim head and 1.625" #7 trim head screws which are what I use the most of. For the less used fasteners and a lot of other needed but speciality fasteners and hardware, there's a unit with a lot of smaller clear drawers. I have them marked using a label maker to speed up accessing the "correct" fastener needed in the moment.

richard poitras
02-10-2018, 8:29 PM
I use bins like this. They work well.


Yonak Hawkins
02-10-2018, 8:31 PM
These jar carousels are my method :


Matt Day
02-10-2018, 8:34 PM
Yonak - that’s nice grandpa style! Brings back memories from my grandfathers basement.

Yonak Hawkins
02-10-2018, 8:37 PM
Yeah, the first carousels I got from my grandpa.

Frederick Skelly
02-10-2018, 8:46 PM
I have several of something like these (https://www.amazon.com/Akro-Mils-10144-20-Inch-16-Inch-Hardware/dp/B003P2UOCO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1518313275&sr=8-1&keywords=Akromills) hanging on the wall.

Jim Becker
02-10-2018, 9:12 PM
You are a brave man, Yonak...one good kickback bouncing around the shop could setup an "interesting display" of (formerly intact) glass containers. LOL

Yonak Hawkins
02-10-2018, 9:35 PM
LOL .. that wall is kind of behind a work bench and way out of the line of fire. ..Plenty of things to afford interference. A wayward missile would have to bounce off several things before it clipped a jar.

Mark Blatter
02-10-2018, 10:35 PM
I ended up with a fair number of these metal boxes years ago. They were the collection boxes for pay phones. I use them for nails, screws, etc. Also use the plastic bins from Home Depot. I also have several drawers that take small boxes of screws perfectly.

https://sawmillcreek.org/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUSExIVFRUXFxcXFxUXFRUVFRUVFRcXFxUXFR UYHSggGBolHRcXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O FxAQGi0lHx0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAN0A5AMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAEDBAUGBwj/xAA/EAABAwIDBQUFBQcEAwEAAAABAAIRAwQSITEFBkFRgSJhcZGhEz KxwdEHFEJS8CNicoKSsuEkNMLiM6LxFf/EABkBAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBf/EACARAQEAAgIDAAMBAAAAAAAAAAABAhEDMRIhURMiQQT/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOuYncEzSiK6Mo0gkUwRUgSQgogoEnSSCBBOkkgUpwmQmoBqR5 oDSKqVazQM6pBngwuEcNM0NvWe4xTLa38J7XUajyXP8uO9VdVd SRU6FY5GhUHSQmdkYOoyI5FamUvRoyUJ0lpDJJ0yBJJJ0CSSSQ MmTlMVQJQEKQhCUDJkkkQmlSBV1NTcimcEKNym/wDzHPZiDiOPZiQBzBWM SYTdWY29K4KZ1Zo1cB1VZ y6pJwuFTDBIlzXAHSR3wqtfZtVubqDwOcSFy/PL0vhV916znPgoKm1BwYT5BZ7ajRw6HIqb7wOWXLL4p Smg1tsVZhtLqch uib79WOsDwlP95aD7mnAqF7gdHdHZeuim61JEv3mfed uqYVmcT5Qqj8tQgcBwTQ1adSmNXn1COnUph2NlQtfpiB7XnyWI QnbTB4p4jeq7ZuBpWe4c8ZWbXuKlQyASTq4w3PvLjPop7WnSIA 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6sZOTBqefcF31jbtY0NaIAQWaTMIDQMgAB4DIKZrkwSwqCRPKB phPKock8ISSxJKaQYco6olJIraOf2vu yqDlB PiuC2tuvWokloJGemeS9bhA mDqEHgtWmQcwQoivZ9pbt0awzaAeYyXFbZ3FqNk0jiHLiou3FF RuVu8sqlMw9jm IKoveoqVqka4x5/FQgKYDIIGKFEUJQMUydCUCTHVIIZQEtbZoylZAK2LTJoQWHHtd FKxVgcypAUFpq3d39gmsQ58in6u8O7vUe7 wTUipUEM4N0LvHuXc2wDQABCgdliGANaIAygclK1kKem6UTmoI 2uRAoXNTIJQ5OQowjDkQiknlOqDhDCOEoWkRlNCkhKEEcJYVJC YqCpc2DHiHNB8QCsDaO51u8ZU2jwELqimQeRbZ3IfTksJjzXN3 FFzDDhBhe/OYCuc29ulRriYwO5j5hB48UJXQ7Z3Ur0JMY2/mHzC59wIUUBTFEmcihahCMDJCAoEwZrbpNyCyLdsuC3GNVAU2r rd393NKlUd7WH4u itbtbvhoFWoJcQC0cGzxPeupa1BCynCkaicEgoiWm5WGOVRoU7 Cip3MURapGuTwiIYRInNQyqHBSQ4kyC1KUpkpWkKU8oU8oHlMU koUUyYp0kDFDCOExCCF9MHIrA2tulQrScOE8wujISLUHk 1dxazJNPtjyK5i42fUYYcwg94XvxYo32zTq0eSD58cIyQgL3a9 2JRqiH0mnoFz919n1u4y0uZ3AyPIqG3mViyXBeh7vbt6VKw8Gf N30Wzsfc jbnEBid Z2ceHJbzbdBA1qKFKKafAggLU FTBiWBBEAiCLAnwoCY5HKEJ0CKjcjKYsKCLEkpRRSVRYSSlPC0 BATwiTKBoSKdMUUydOUiVAwTwlKaUCLUg1KUTUA4E4ajSCgjwo cKnQOCoENSwp5RBQRlibApgkEEJYmIVhC4IK5CCFK8KJXSCCeE TWo2hNKibTKmaxShiIBAApp0ZKZQf//Z

Bruce Page
02-10-2018, 11:08 PM
I picked this up from the salvage yard for not much money, each drawer is 3x5x17” deep. It came with a few dozen dividers and holds a lot of hardware. I like that I can just take a drawer to the bench when needed.

Mike Heidrick
02-11-2018, 1:55 AM
I need a mobile solution that will transition to wall mount. Seville bin racks from Sams club and and Viewtainers from Menards. Colors coordinate sizes.


Mike Heidrick
02-11-2018, 1:57 AM

Brian Henderson
02-11-2018, 3:53 AM
Are you guys talking about these ones?

I think that's the same ones I got, yes. So far, so good.

Brian Henderson
02-11-2018, 3:54 AM
I use bins like this. They work well.


I've got a bunch of those too, but unfortunately, they're a gathering place for dust and debris as well.

Brian Henderson
02-11-2018, 3:55 AM
I have wall mounted bins with clear plastic drawers for the majority of the fasteners I use. For those sizes I use a lot, there's a unit with larger, hinged bins. These bins hold several hundred of a given size, such as 1.25" #8, 1.5" #8, 1" #7 trim head and 1.625" #7 trim head screws which are what I use the most of. For the less used fasteners and a lot of other needed but speciality fasteners and hardware, there's a unit with a lot of smaller clear drawers. I have them marked using a label maker to speed up accessing the "correct" fastener needed in the moment.

For bulk screws, I just leave them in the boxes, I've got a box organizer and I can take as many as I need and not have a mess all over the shop. It's just for the small stuff, where I have a handful of screws or washers, that I use smaller containers.

Brian Bres
02-11-2018, 6:53 AM
I am in the process of orgaizing things a bit. I struggled with this and decided in the HF parts storage boxes. I am going to make a cabinet base to house the boxes. Very similar to the last 2 photos in this post. https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?262043-Hey-I-built-something-Reloading-bench-from-construction-lumber&p=2775505#post2775505

Nick Decker
02-11-2018, 7:11 AM
I have several "depositories" that are not very organized. When I need something, I do a quick check there and usually end up going to the store. My grandfather used Folgers cans and I can't seem to break out of that mold.

Brian W Evans
02-11-2018, 8:35 AM
I recently started using these:


I have one "suitcase" for 1/4-20, one for pocket screws, one for small screws, one for bigger screws, etc. The yellow containers are removable individually so I don't have to lug the whole thing to the work bench. I cut the label off of the boxes of screws and drop it in the container so I can see what's what. For smaller screws I usually just put the whole box in the container.

I am in the process of building shelves that these will slide into. They're more expensive than some of the options mentioned above but I really only need half a dozen. At $20/each I can live with the cost.

I also have various containers of unsorted hardware that will possibly never be sorted.

tom lucas
02-11-2018, 8:39 AM
I hear ya! I was in the same boat. It took me 2 full days to sort and organize all the hardware I had accumulated. Here is what I did.

I bought several of these:

I have one each for #6-10, 1/4/-20, 5/16 machine, sheet metal screws, wood variety screws, specialty hardware, small nails.

For bigger parts and larger bulk storage, like carriage,lag bolts, large nails, bulks screws I use this:

It was the cheapest steel large-volume storage I could find. It holds a lot and has movable dividers. The 1 lb plastic bins that wood screws come in from the store fit nicely inside too (3 to a drawer) without much wasted space.

For the homedepot organizers, at first I just stacked them on top of one another. I got tired of the one I wanted always being on the bottom. So, I built a shelf system from MDF sized perfectly for the bins. Love it. I'll take a photo today and post later.

I tried several options. The open bins collect too much dust and debris. The plastic drawers just don't hold up and are too small in many cases.

tom lucas
02-11-2018, 8:50 AM
I also have an old index card cabinet that I use in my basement. It has removable trays that hold a huge amount. It is really heavy duty and serves as my basement work bench too. I think it has 6 drawers, each with 5 3' deep trays. If you can find one of these or similar vidmar cabinet for a reasonable price, and have room for it. They are hard to beat. Mine has holes in the bottom of the trays. I just line with thin cardboard from shoe boxes. The vidmar bins are too steep for my pocket book though, even well used.

Jim Becker
02-11-2018, 9:24 AM
LOL .. that wall is kind of behind a work bench and way out of the line of fire. ..Plenty of things to afford interference. A wayward missile would have to bounce off several things before it clipped a jar.
Do not underestimate Mr Murphy's athletic qualifications when it comes to throwing objects... :) :D

Terry Hatfield
02-11-2018, 9:30 AM
I am in the process of orgaizing things a bit. I struggled with this and decided in the HF parts storage boxes. I am going to make a cabinet base to house the boxes. Very similar to the last 2 photos in this post. https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?262043-Hey-I-built-something-Reloading-bench-from-construction-lumber&p=2775505#post2775505

That's my thread. :) Glad you found it helpful. I think those HF plastic boxes are quite a good solution for organizing and storing anything hardware/small part related. They come in a couple sizes. Super easy to build a bin for them or they are made to stack.


https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8086/8545898404_e99b0c2632_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/e2aXRW)

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4721/40191099221_337b1259ab_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24exTyz)

glenn bradley
02-11-2018, 9:31 AM
I morphed into this model some years ago. Since I don't use a lot of metal fasteners it has worked out well for me. I store everything from 3/8" bolts to #2 brass screws to router bit overflow in them.


It has worked so well that I use a similar approach for things like jig hardware, my drill doctor, dremel, router dust collection fittings, adhesives that come in tubes and bottles, and other larger stuff.


andy bessette
02-11-2018, 11:22 AM
Most of my fasteners are organized in plastic, compartmented boxes with fixed partitions, similar to "K" if you click on the first item in the upper left corner on the McMaster-Carr page. Though many of mine are solid color, rather than clear.
https://www.mcmaster.com/#compartmented-boxes/=1biwjqz (https://www.mcmaster.com/#compartmented-boxes/=1biwi5t)

Mike O'Keefe
02-11-2018, 4:15 PM
I bought 2 Milwaukee organizers at Home Depot. They will hold box of screws and the organizers snap together . Mike O'Keefe

tom lucas
02-11-2018, 5:13 PM
Nice workbench Terry.

Here is the photo I promised:

Steve Catts
02-11-2018, 8:49 PM
Thanks to you all. So many good solutions. Ultimately, looks like I'll need to settle on whether to go with a "case" type approach or bins. I guess this doesn't need to be a decision for life...

jack duren
02-11-2018, 9:54 PM
Getting these for free...378877


Joe Jensen
02-11-2018, 10:12 PM
I used these. http://www.dandydrawers.com/Drawers.htm

William Adams
02-12-2018, 6:47 AM
I'm w/ Matt Day, except I buy the small 18 Compartment Small Storage Containers:


Anytime I'm passing by and have some time to spare I grab one w/ a 20/25% off coupon. That said, I am kind of disappointed that they're not the same containers as are used in:


and I've been considering getting one of those.

Rod Sheridan
02-12-2018, 8:00 AM
I use parts bins and put a label on the front so I don't go crazy looking for stuff.

Also my hardware is sorted by size so all #6 screws are in two rows sorted by length and head style for example...........Regards, Rod.

tom lucas
02-12-2018, 8:03 AM
I used these. http://www.dandydrawers.com/Drawers.htm

Those are pretty nice. I had never seen them before. I think I order a set. I've made my own in the past that use the bottom for a slide and they work good, but I'm not sure I could make them for much less than the $4-$5 that these cost. And they are time consuming to make in large numbers. I'd rather spend my time doing other things.

Brian Henderson
02-12-2018, 11:35 AM
I use parts bins and put a label on the front so I don't go crazy looking for stuff.

Also my hardware is sorted by size so all #6 screws are in two rows sorted by length and head style for example...........Regards, Rod.

Same here, in fact, I just ordered another labeler because my old one died. Everything has a place and that place is labeled. Even if I only have of that size screw, it has it's own bin.

Jim Becker
02-12-2018, 1:02 PM
I've been doing a lot of labeling in the past few months...'definitely getting my money's worth from the machine!

Steve Demuth
02-12-2018, 1:21 PM
Organize? Now there is an interesting concept.

LOL. If I were capable of organizing things, my life would have turned out very differently ...

Brian Henderson
02-12-2018, 4:48 PM
I've been doing a lot of labeling in the past few months...'definitely getting my money's worth from the machine!

My last one finally wore out, you barely get an image you can see on the tape, which is why I just ordered a new one that costs 1/5 of the last one and has more features.

Larry Alles
02-12-2018, 6:12 PM
I have about 6 old lead type drawers mounted in a frame. Each drawer has about 30 to 35 sections on each side. They have various size
sections to hold all my screws, bolts, nails, etc.

Mark Blatter
02-13-2018, 8:08 PM
I was at my local Ace Hardware today and they are selling these six packs of trays for $10 each. They have quite a few and I am trying to decide how many I should get. Any suggestions? The bins themselves are bigger than I would normally want, but still for $10.


tom lucas
02-13-2018, 9:14 PM
I contacted dandydrawers about purchasing some of their biggest drawers (~12"). They have none in stock and don't seem interested in restocking due to high batch costs - $12000 for 7500 drawers. Claimed they didn't have enough orders for them. Seems like they have a good product but poor sales distribution. It's too bad. If they sold through other portals I believe they would sell thousands.

Jim Becker
02-14-2018, 9:18 AM
Mark those are nice bins, nicely priced for heavy stuff and could be great for the purpose. You can likely create workable dividers for the bins, too, with a little thought and some epoxy to hold them in place. :) I'd jump on some of those myself for sure...

Mike Heidrick
02-14-2018, 9:41 AM
Amazing how much you realize the investment in hardware when you organize it. I used up my #12 slotted head 3/4 metal screws working on my bins, picked up $10 worth, put them away, and saw how little space it took up. Then I looked at the containers as a whole and got a sense of the investment.

I am loving knowing exactly where each the fasteners of a certain size and type are and the fact each family of fastener is color coded. I moved my bins out during the ceiling spray and HATED not having them accessable while i was putting stuff back away. I am hooked on having a system for them now!!!

Keith Weber
02-14-2018, 2:21 PM
I wouldn't trade my metal storage cabinets for anything. The drawers contain dividers that can be rearranged, labeled, and are insanely strong (440 lbs/drawer) and roll as smooth as silk. These ones are Lista Cabinets. There's others that are similar. The one shown stores just hardware. Others store tools, electrical supplies, casters, sandpaper, shaper cutters, etc... One day I'll get around to labeling things (hopefully sooner than later) and build a maple top for them.


The best thing about organizing my hardware, is that I always know exactly where everything is, and if something starts to get low, I can notice it and buy more stock the next time I'm in town. I rarely have to make a special trip to the hardware store for hardware any more.

Jim Becker
02-14-2018, 4:57 PM
That's WAY too neat, Keith. Too easy to find things. Not gonna work... :) :D (Seriously...NICE cabinets!)

tom lucas
02-14-2018, 5:18 PM
Nice! Wish I could afford them, not even used can I get one for under $400.

I wouldn't trade my metal storage cabinets for anything. The drawers contain dividers that can be rearranged, labeled, and are insanely strong (440 lbs/drawer) and roll as smooth as silk. These ones are Lista Cabinets. There's others that are similar. The one shown stores just hardware. Others store tools, electrical supplies, casters, sandpaper, shaper cutters, etc... One day I'll get around to labeling things (hopefully sooner than later) and build a maple top for them.


The best thing about organizing my hardware, is that I always know exactly where everything is, and if something starts to get low, I can notice it and buy more stock the next time I'm in town. I rarely have to make a special trip to the hardware store for hardware any more.

John K Jordan
02-14-2018, 6:58 PM
I use similar containers for some types of fasteners, one reason is I can carry them to the barn or around the farm. Each has one type of fasteners, lag screws, carriage bolts, deck screws, nails, sheet metal screws, self-drilling/tapping, screw eyes, staples, brass clips, etc.


Very sturdy, adjustable compartments. I get them from Walmart.