View Full Version : Donate Button?

Bill Simmeth
11-10-2005, 9:31 AM
Hi... Better late than never, I guess. I went to donate a few weeks back during the "crunch time" but stopped since I didn't have my wallet near me to retrieve card numbers. I just finally remembered and went to the donate button. However, unlike the last time, I can not place a "donation product" into my basket. I only get an empty shopping cart. Is something broken or is it driver error? Would like to do my part...


Jim Becker
11-10-2005, 9:43 AM
Bill, I am going to guess that with the shut-down of HRO, the server behind the old donate function is no longer working. You can use the snail-mail address in the "big, long thread" that Keith posted to send a check if you want to donate now. I'm sure Aaron will figure something out for the button.

Bill Simmeth
11-10-2005, 9:56 AM
Thanks for the reply Jim. Figured it had something to do with the server move. Guess I'll have to resort to primitive technologies! I'll see if I can remember how to fill out a check and lick a stamp. :confused: :D