View Full Version : Turned box with added touch ...

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
06-26-2003, 10:54 AM
I apologize for the prolific postings of turned boxes this week... but it's the fault of that darn Jet Mini I got Monday. I can't seem to make it stop. Here's one I turned this morning for a lady at work, who wanted her daughter's name engraved on it. I have an SCM 450,000 rpm engraver system that I use to scrimshaw on my custom powder horns. It works great for this too, with the correct bit. It's just like writing with a pencil, no vibration at all. I draw the lettering on first, then go back over with the engraver. It looks good, because I can vary the speed of the cut and get it to burn in the channel and darken the lettering. The box is Mahogany and is 4" x 3". Thanks for looking.

Mike Schwing
06-26-2003, 10:56 AM
Neat! Keep posting!

Don Farr
06-26-2003, 12:21 PM
Ron, I wouldn't apologize if I were you. I think everyone loves seeing the pictures in a post. I know I do. Just watch the number of views on the counter. There are almost always a lot more on posts with pics.

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-26-2003, 7:03 PM
Ron, really nice work. Don't be shy, keep the pictures and boxes coming! We all know how it is to get a new "Toy"! Great looking work, and I think we all appreciate you sharing your turned treasures with us. VERY nice, I especially like the engraving, it really sets it off. Great job!