View Full Version : What are they? I think I know just not 100%

Sam Fleisher
01-27-2018, 9:57 PM
A friend of mine gave me a box of chisels because he knew I just got a lathe.

Said they were his father-in-laws and he knew his fil had a lathe but knew nothing about these chisels. My friend had sold the lathe years ago and these tools had been in his basement 20-30 years hence the rust.

So I went and picked up the box and hadn't looked till I got home.

I'm pretty sure the chisels to the right of my failed walnut handle are lathe tools. To the left I'm thinking I have carving chisels.

In the third picture, is that a bedan?

In the first picture I'm not sure because of the base but the bevel is on the right side compared to all the other gouges on the left side the bevels are on the wrong side.

If nothing else I might get some use out of the big roughing gouges and that skew chisel along with the calipers after some refurbishment.

Also, how do you tell whether they are regular carbon or hss?

Thanks sorry for the long post.


John Grace
01-27-2018, 11:49 PM
Looks like you have a combination of old carving tools, some chisels, and two or three turning tools. As for what they're made of...I have no guess. Based on their age, however, I suspect they're not HSS.

Dale Miner
01-27-2018, 11:49 PM
They are all carbon steel.

Not all of them are turning tools. Most are wood chissels.

Sam Fleisher
01-28-2018, 12:49 AM
Well, I got to see my buddy that I hadn't seen in awhile and the calipers will work after some wire wheeling plus I have something to practice my sharpening on and the price was right. So I'm going to chalk today up as a good day anyway.

In the last picture starting from the right, which ones are lathe tools there?


Thom Sturgill
01-28-2018, 7:53 AM
Looks like all but one on the right are lathe tools. The one with the bevel up is a carving tool, IMHO. The end two are European (sometimes called German) spindle gouges. Great for long sweeping coves, but not to be confused with Spindle Roughing gouges which would be ground with a straight end instead of a curved end and generally are more like 50% of a circle.

Of course as Carbon steel, they will lose hardness if heated to blue during grinding. Also keep in mind that while they will take a very sharp edge, they will not keep it long if used for turning.

Sam Fleisher
01-28-2018, 8:54 AM
I see what you mean about the upside down one. I hadn't noticed when I placed them out. Handle is shorter even and where the tang meets the handle looks like the others on the left. The second one from the right says craftsman on it I figured it was like all the ones you see on craigs list. See what happens when a newbie looks lol. They don't know what to look for. Think he re-used the handle or probably just reground?