View Full Version : coloring wood glue

Jim Colombo
01-26-2018, 10:09 AM
Has anyone tried coloring Titebond glue? If so, what did you use to color it and how well did it hold the segments after coloring?


Prashun Patel
01-26-2018, 10:32 AM
I've used medium walnut transtint. You only need a drop to completely darken the color. Does not affect strength in my experience.

Perry Hilbert Jr
01-26-2018, 11:30 AM
when in high school art class, some of us did a project with white wood glue mixed with food coloring and glued up a sort of bas relief sculpture. Numerous colors and even used the stuff as a paint for part of the project. It worked well back then

Bob Bergstrom
01-27-2018, 5:22 PM
A paint salesman once told me that latex paint is mostly an ingredient similar to Elmer’s glue.