View Full Version : Carole Valentine - Makes a Center Fold!!

Bill Stevener
11-08-2005, 11:29 PM
Hi Carole,
Just saw your donation for a great cause and thought it should be noted.

Carole donated a fine turning for the Katrina auction, that was held via. another channel, and a photo of it is shown in the current issue of "Woodturning Design". Hope everyone has a chance to see it.

Just a very thoughtful thing to do, and a very nice turning as well.


Mark Cothren
11-08-2005, 11:33 PM
Congratulations Carole!!!!!

Bruce Shiverdecker
11-09-2005, 1:02 AM
WELL DONE, Carole!


Travis Stinson
11-09-2005, 7:00 AM
Congratulations Carole!:cool:

John Hart
11-09-2005, 7:53 AM
Way to go Carole!!! You are a fine human!:)

Kurt Aebi
11-09-2005, 8:48 AM
Congrats Carole!

Keith Burns
11-09-2005, 8:50 AM
Very nice Carole !

Carole Valentine
11-09-2005, 9:19 AM
I have not received my issue yet, but have seen the article. It sure seemed to me that one of the spectacular pieces like J. Paul Fennell's, Molly Winton or any of the other seasoned turners' work should have taken the spot on that page. I am a little embarrassed.:o

Andy Hoyt
11-09-2005, 9:38 AM
I haven't seen it yet either. But know this - It's neither the quality of the gift/donation, nor the skill of the giver/donor that matters. That it happened does. My hope is that this spirit is what the magazine found exemplified by your piece.

And, Carole; don't be embarassed by recognition - be challenged.

john whittaker
11-09-2005, 10:49 AM
Yes...here I am lurking on the round side....as predicted. Congrats Carole, proud to know ya.

Robert Watsek
11-09-2005, 11:55 PM
Congratulations Carole!!! ......the accolade is well deserved.

Andy says it well ........don't be embarassed by recognition - be challenged.



Earl Eyre
11-10-2005, 12:47 AM
Hey, Carole, guess you can't call yourself a total amatuer anymore. Your'e now in the big league. Hope you'll still talk to the rest of us. :-)

I haven't seen the pic yet, though. I don't subscribe so have to wait for it to show up at Fred Meyer--one of our local shop for everything stores. Guess I better subscribe!


Loy Hawes
11-10-2005, 12:51 AM
Congratulations Carole! Is this your first centerfold? ;) :D

Rich Stewart
11-10-2005, 2:26 PM
Way to go Carole. You're a celebrity. Congratulations and I hope to see the piece. Maybe someone can post it here.

Dick Parr
11-10-2005, 7:33 PM
Great job Carole!:) ;)

Dick Parr
11-10-2005, 7:33 PM
Great job Carole!:) ;)

Jim Ketron
11-10-2005, 9:06 PM
Congrats Carole!

Carole Valentine
11-10-2005, 11:05 PM
Way to go Carole. You're a celebrity. Congratulations and I hope to see the piece. Maybe someone can post it here.

Rich, thanks but it was no big deal. I can't even locate the photo now. It was just a plain little round semi-enclosed maple form with a figure that was reminiscent..remeniscent...shoot, I can't spell..."looked like" muddy floodwaters! :D