View Full Version : Grizzly T27961 Spindle Sander

Bill Fleming
01-14-2018, 1:35 PM
Hey, anyone using a Grizzly
T27961—Handheld Oscillating Spindle Sander in a router table? Good, bad, ugly?

Thx Bill

Ted Derryberry
01-14-2018, 10:53 PM
I own one, but have not used it in a router table.

I also have the Ridgid spindle sander from HD. My primary product for about 6 years was gun racks. I kept thinking when I wore out the orange plastic I'd upgrade to a floor model. Just as my gun rack business was tapering off the bushings on the shaft that it oscillates in wore out, seized and burned out the motor. At that time I couldn't justify a nice spindle sander as I'd moved on to other work, but needed one as I was still serving existing customers on gun racks. I found another Ridgid at a local "clearance" center that moved returned items for the big box stores for about $80.00 and took the motor assembly out of it since the rest of mine was in better shape. I've had that for 6 or 8 months and it's going strong. The point of all that is that if you want an inexpensive bench top spindle sander I can highly recommend the Ridgid model. Even at over twice the price of the handheld I think it's worth the difference. I often see them on Craig's List for $100 or so, just be sure it has all the drums, rings, etc.

As for the Grizzly hand held, I bought it for doing large items with holes vs. notches because I was tired of lifting them over the spindle and shoving them around on the table. It works fine for that, but it's not the smoothest and I use it as a "last resort" kind of thing. However, I've only used it with the 3/4" drum for small radius and I'd expect the larger drums to be smoother and easier to control. I have to say I was surprised at how well the dust collection on it works. The port is very close to the base so you really need a fitting to go inside of it rather than outside. The smaller of the Rockler "universal small port" fittings works.

If you intend to use it primarily inverted and don't need the hand held feature, save up for the Ridgid as an inexpensive alternative to a "proper" spindle sander. I've never used the belt/edge sander feature so I can't comment on that. I use a 12" disc sander for that. Always intended to get a nice edge sander also, but don't really need one now.

Bill Fleming
01-16-2018, 9:16 PM
Good thoughts. I also like the Jet bench top one but a little more money. The reason I was asking about router table mount is that I collected a router table plate some time ago that was drilled for a Porter Cable 121 - always thought I would get a used one of those but when they stopped making it the used price exploded!!! From looking at the parts list for the Grizzly I doubt that the screws into the plastic body would support it in a router table.