View Full Version : Splitting input & output to a chiller - yes or no?

Ian Stewart-Koster
01-14-2018, 1:24 AM
Is it a feasible option to take the lines to & from a chiller, and put a tee in them, to send the water to 2 tubes?

I'm just thinking that a step-off the CW6000 to the 100 watt tube might be better than using a 3000 unit I have spare?

I know dual outlet systems exist- I just don't have one! The makers of the new laser said the CW6000 is ONLY for the 180w tube.
I'm interested in other opinions, because the CW5200 runs fine on our 130w system, not varying when run at 20mA all dayand looks like it could handle more load...


Doug Fisher
01-14-2018, 1:29 AM
As you said, you can buy chillers with dual outputs if you go through S&A/Teyu directly. For others who were not aware, look at this CW5200:

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.teyuchiller.com%2FU ploadFiles%2FFCK%2F2014-07%2FCW-5200(1).jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.teyuchiller.com%2FArtic le%2FWhatisdualwaterinlet_1.html&docid=gdjbNFhfDOsPWM&tbnid=xQHvWwhpiu6p3M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjvpJPX6dbYAhXq5IMKHaWPD78QMwjMASgMMAw. .i&w=2789&h=3356&bih=781&biw=1325&q=cw5200&ved=0ahUKEwjvpJPX6dbYAhXq5IMKHaWPD78QMwjMASgMMAw&iact=mrc&uact=8

Maybe sell both of your current units and apply that toward a sufficiently powerful single unit? Might give you a viable solution now that saves you money over the long-run?

Ian Stewart-Koster
01-14-2018, 8:10 AM
Thanks, Doug...
The CW5200 is on the 130/150 watt laser.
The new laser on order comes with a CW-6000, but 2 tubes. I told them not to send me a 3000 with the smaller tube as I had one here I did not use.
Locations in the workshop are such that it won;t be all that good an idea to just have one unit instead of both the 5200 & 6000.
I'm just wondering about piping the 2nd tube (80/100w) of the flat bed, also into the 6000, rather than praying the little 3000 might be tolerable!

Kev Williams
01-14-2018, 1:52 PM
My concern would be water flow, as in, if the cooler is designed to flow X amount of water per minute thru 1 tube, then doubling the tubes will essentially cut the water flow to each tube in half, and therefore doubling the time a given amount of water is in the tube... The chiller may be able to handle cooling the heat from 2 tubes, but as the water moves from one end of the tube to the other, will the tube warm that water too much? And what if one tube has less resistance to water flow than the other, that tube will get a higher flow of water while the other starves...

I have no clue if any of this is really an issue, but... ;)

Matt McCoy
01-14-2018, 5:28 PM
The CW-6000 has a 3000W cooling capacity, so probably. You might email S&A, though.

Ian Stewart-Koster
01-15-2018, 5:23 AM
Thanks - you see some 6000s and 5200s do have dual input/outputs... I just wondered if they might simply have a tee-piece inside the box, spreading to two exterior bungs.

Edited to add that I've just spoken to the mob assembling the new laser, and for an extra $85 USD, they'll put the CW-6002 chiller instead of the 6000. That's 3kW cooling, but dual pump, dual input & output.

Bill George
01-15-2018, 7:54 AM
Anytime you split or "T" off a pump you should have a way to balance the flow to each circuit.

John Lifer
01-15-2018, 6:01 PM
Spend the $85..... Dual pump solves the issue.

Ian Stewart-Koster
01-15-2018, 7:10 PM
We lmpw that now- but it wasn;t presented as an option originally, John!
That was due to my probing & pushing.

Dave Sheldrake
01-16-2018, 1:42 PM
The dual in/out units do indeed have two pumps Ian. I have a 7800 here I had to replace to get a two pump unit instead of T-ing off a line

Mike Lysov
01-17-2018, 3:41 AM
Ian, I had a splitter installed on my big laser when it was using two tubes. Now because I have a DLT-300 which has single in and out for water I do not need the splitter.

I cannot comment on CW chillers though as mine is made by some company in Taiwan. I am not even sure about its specs but it has been supplied with the laser that supposed to be run with 2x GSI 140W tubes so I believe it is the right one for my setup. It has nos problem to keep water as cold as 17 degrees but I am sure it can go even lower. I had 17 degrees back in Melbourne but here in Brisbane I raised it to 20 degrees. I just could not cope with the heat it pumps out of water.