View Full Version : New flat bed laser on order... 2500 x 1300mm, 2 heads etc

Ian Stewart-Koster
01-12-2018, 8:00 AM
Hi Folks, rightly or wrongly, I've just ordered a sizeable laser ex China.
2500 x 1300 mm blade bed.

The specs are 2 tubes & 2 heads - Reci W8 & W2, 180w & 100w, 4" & 2" FL lens, (all in the gantry),
2 air assist pumps, red dot, CW 6000 chiller, vacuum extractor, , with a raise/lowerable 900 x 1300 table at one end, 42mm max clearance under nozzles on standard bed, if needed.
Plus 2 spare lenses, 1 spare W1 Reci tube, and a spare Reci W6- 150w tube for our existing Goldenlaser that I've just learned is a 150w peak, not 130 as I always thought.

RD 6442-S controller, leadshine driver & steppers.
Taiwan Hiwin square linear rails. Shanghai fulong belts. etc

It's a non-standard request- I wanted the 180watt for heavy acrylic cutting, but also the lower power Reci tube for engraving, but got them to fit the next to lowest instead, and supply the lowest as a spare. Also a slightly higher than normal gantry - I wanted to be able to focus on 25mm acrylic.

The 2 tubes face opposite sides.
The 2 heads can be positioned anywhere along the gantry, so that they can be beside each other, and either tube can be used singularly over the whole bed (less the width of the other head)
or they can be spaced half the bed width apart, and the net (gross?) power to each head be set to about equal, and then it'll be able to do 2 of the same at once.

They were going to supply a CW3000 with the W2 tube, but I already have one here I'm not using- so I had a bit of a discount there - and the 3000 is a pretty poor thing. I'll rig up something better. (I have a 5200 in use anyway on the Goldenlaser.)

There was another option to have a pair of 140watt Jongli tubes = 280w, but it was pushing the price boundaries for our current needs, so I stopped at the 150/180w W6 Reci tube.

Currently both the Goldenlaser & the little ULS M-300 are pretty flat-out day in & day out.
When our big one played up the other day, I asked 'locally' who might be able to help me fill in an order, and no one within 180km had a machine close to ours in capacity... the thought of doing 20mm acrylic was beyond most, let alone 25mm !
Over Christmas, I needed a 2400 x 900 mm photo image engraved into acrylic, and only one company in Brisbane has a machine big enough to engrave that size. Plenty have machines that will CUT that size, but not engrave. Hence my requesting this mish-mash of sorts mentioned above...

The Goldenlaser also has been slowing down in its max tube power- the last month, 100% in the software sent only 18mA to the tube, (compared with 21.5 mA last July), but today it grew back to 20.5 mA... Sorry, I can't explain it - the water is set permanently on 19.1 deg celcius. There is seldom half a degree variation.

ON a different but related note, I disconnected the air pump on the Goldenlaser, and piped in the air-compressor air, with a tap, so I could set a stronger blast, to help put out any fires underneath 20mm acrylic.
That worked OK for about a month, but today's humidity caused the nozzle to be dripping with water, and the water defocusing & affecting the beam - weird. I reconnected back the old airpump with its hot dry air, and all was good, except you have to babysit it with a gun of air-compressor air in case of flames again...

P.S. Thanks to various people here for answering assorted questions over time that has led me to this purchase, and to Dave Sheldrake for assorted PMs with opinions I valued. :)

P.P.S also we do have a fairly big old CNC router - it takes nurturing, and does its share of work, but the amount of 20 & 25mm acrylic stuff we've done lately really suits the laser more than the router.

John Lifer
01-12-2018, 1:37 PM
Put an Inline water trap/filter for your compressed air. Not that hard to do and if it lets a person look away, then that helps too. (got to watch that stuff though.)

Sounds like nice setup.... Pics when you get set up and running :)

Ian Stewart-Koster
02-14-2018, 6:47 PM
Thanks, John. Yes, all the compressed air lines around the worklshop already have water-traps and regulators at all useful points and Tee junctions.

The new flat-bed 2-head machine coming from China will resurface next week after the Chinese New Year celebrations are over...

...and for what it's worth, I've asked that they install two of the Leadshine easy-servo, closed loop steppers in X & Y, (instead of plain steppers) and to use a 2-outlet/2-pump CW-6002 chiller.

After reading as much as I could, with most opinions in the 'not worth the cost' department, for the closed-loop steppers, I figure if I ever have to do another long engrave like that train - 13 hours non-stop, and if the increased acceleration can cut the time by a third to a half, just in speeding up the landing and turning around time, it'll be money well-spent. I wouldn't engrave any faster- I found the 300 mm/s was optimal on this Goldenlaser- but the turnaround time could be improved... (I hope!) ;)

Also the gantry will be a bit higher than usual, so I can fit 25mm acrylic under the nozzle and still focus onto it, and half the 2500 x 1300 blade bed will have an adjustable Z axis. RD-6442-S controller. Reci w8 & w2 tubes. At the same time I'm getting them to send a spare W6 tube for our other laser, with this, and a spare W1 as well to save freight, and spare 2" & 4" FL lenses.

Dave Sheldrake
02-14-2018, 9:04 PM
Kitty litter (silica type) in one of those cup thingys everybody loves engraving. two tubes, one in that goes almost to the bottom, one at the top just through the lid (outlet) 3/4 fill with kitty litter, place cotton wool on top to stop the litter being blown out

hey presto, dryer for under $10




Ian Stewart-Koster
02-15-2018, 3:31 AM
Good one, Dave!
I remember many years ago reading about an inline water filter someone made for airbrushing - it had an enlarged tube they put a woman's tampon inside- it worked fine!

Dave Sheldrake
02-15-2018, 8:41 AM
It's always a judgement call brother, no matter how much we look at something there will always be a little bit we should have changed. Your set up looks ideal though and should cover most bases.

Ian Stewart-Koster
02-15-2018, 10:12 AM
I sincerely appreciate your advice & behind-the-scenes comments, Dave- thanks!

Dave Sheldrake
02-15-2018, 11:45 PM
I sincerely appreciate your advice & behind-the-scenes comments, Dave- thanks!

no worries, anytime my friend

John Lifer
02-17-2018, 1:28 PM
Ian, if they haven't boxed up the machine for shipment, Ask what version of the Firmware is installed on the S model controller. Insure it is version 8.01.50 (latest for the 6442-S)
it will allow the use of the Ruida Android or Apple App to control the laser through your phone like a handheld remote. Works like a charm, will save the touchscreen buttons also. TWO speed motion on the axis. Otherwise install it when you get it. It is well worth a few minutes of your time.

Ian Stewart-Koster
02-18-2018, 6:53 PM
Thanks, John. Great tip.
I'm having proplems installing the android app though - the android (Samsung tablet) won't let it install, after I unpacked the RAR file.

John Lifer
02-24-2018, 10:40 AM
Ian, two things. I assume you turned on the permissions to allow apps from 'unknown' locations? usually under permissions/security. That will keep it from installing and I had to sideload using another app. I put on the phone with ES File explorer and I think I used it to install the apk.

Ian Stewart-Koster
02-27-2018, 8:29 AM
Thanks for the reply, John.
Yes, I eventually worked out I had to allow 'permission this once only', and then amongst all the chinese characters, to eventually find the one that means 'english screen'.
I stopped when it asked me for the laser's IP address, as I don't have that yet.