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View Full Version : Has anyone used one of these?

Matt Evans
01-10-2018, 3:43 PM

If you've used one, can you let me know your thoughts? I've got some plans for a a few of these kits this year, I think. Not planning on doing Krenov style planes though, so not sure if the adjuster is going to be long enough.

Also, is the adjuster the fine or coarse adjuster?

Any other thoughts?

Frederick Skelly
01-10-2018, 9:05 PM
I bought one and made a Krenov style smoother about the size of a #3. I was/am completely satisfied with the quality of the parts (and build instructions), as you'd expect with LV. I can't comment on whether the adjuster is long enough for your project, since you didn't say much there. But I measured mine and it's about 2 1/2" long, fully extended. I checked the threads - they look the same as the other LV planes I have, but I wouldn't call them "fine".

Whatcha gonna make Matt?


Matt Evans
01-11-2018, 12:36 AM
Fred, thanks.

I saw that they sell a fine thread version as a replacement for the bevel up line of planes, so wasn’t sure which it was. If it’s the same as your bevel up planes then it’s likely the coarser thread version.
Fine thread replacement link: http://www.leevalley.com/us/wood/page.aspx?p=74068&cat=1,230,41182

I’ve got three ideas for this kit, one is a plane, just not quite ready to share two of the ideas yet. Once I get the engineering and drawings done I’ll fill y’all in though.