View Full Version : EZ Cad help

Pieter Swart
01-02-2018, 3:03 PM

I am fresh out of the box new to this...
set the machine up today... had to open it up to connect loose wiring,

Setup the software and drivers...

Drew a block and hit F1, it outlined the box... then hit F2...

Error message:
Fiber Laser: Over temperature!

What is that about? any ideas?

Scott Shepherd
01-02-2018, 4:00 PM
That's not a good message. Probably going to have to contact the company on that one. That's suggesting that the scan head is working but the laser itself is not.

Bill George
01-02-2018, 4:26 PM
And I am going to guess more either loose wires or not connected plugs.

Gary Hair
01-02-2018, 6:38 PM
I seem to recall someone else having this error but I'm not sure what was the cause. Search here for "over temperature" and you may find an answer. If not here try googling the same phrase. I want to say it was a software issue but I'm not sure.

John Lifer
01-02-2018, 9:00 PM
I have a keyed switch and two pushbuttons on mine
If I miss turning on the second pushbutton, I get that message.
laser head isn't on.

Neville Stewart
01-04-2018, 10:45 PM

I am fresh out of the box new to this...
set the machine up today... had to open it up to connect loose wiring,

Setup the software and drivers...

Drew a block and hit F1, it outlined the box... then hit F2...

Error message:
Fiber Laser: Over temperature!

What is that about? any ideas?
You're kidding! Who did you buy it from?

Pieter Swart
01-06-2018, 7:03 AM
Well the good news is that I was able to fix it... turns out , the power supply was variable voltage... I asked them to help and they got back to me in 10 mins, by skype. KUDOS! they solved that issue within 5 mins. the tech knew what he was doing! ha guided me through opening the machine, and finding the switch... yup, sure enough, it was set to 220, not 110v... flipped the switch, and bang, this baby is humming along... now all I need to do, is learn how to use the thing...lol

I bought the machine from SDCY Laser direct out of China. I would recommend them any day of the week after this experience!

John Lifer
01-06-2018, 2:30 PM
No way if I had purchased a new machine that had wiring inside the machine that wasn't connected. And then had to set up for correct voltage. Most Chinese companies have Skype BTW. Ray fine rep asked me to use prior to my purchase, but my internet is so poor, Skype is not an option.sounds like they never even tested it.

matthew knott
01-08-2018, 5:54 PM
To be fair that’s actually the safer way to send it, what they should do is put a big label on it saying set for 220v , if they set it 110 and someone plugs it in then ‘bang’ , set it to 220v and it just doesn’t work