View Full Version : Merry Christmas

Richard Casey
12-24-2017, 8:24 PM
It's Christmas morning down under, 32°C or 88°F and about 85% humidity. Cooking the pork in the barbie while knocking down a few coldies. I hope all fellow woodturners have a very Merry Christmas and keep safe.

John Keeton
12-24-2017, 9:12 PM
Merry Christmas, Richard! Enjoy those temps and the pork - not quite that warm on this side of the world. You folks in the Southern Hemisphere do have some advantages in the weather department. Next weekend we will have single digit nite temps - F.

George Bokros
12-24-2017, 9:26 PM
Merry Christmas to all. Yes enjoy that pork on the barbie Richard.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-24-2017, 10:27 PM
Merry Christmas all!

Steve Doerr
12-24-2017, 10:34 PM
Merry Christmas everyone!!! We were not expecting it but we are having a white Christmas. I think that makes it a perfect Christmas day.

Steve Schlumpf
12-24-2017, 11:28 PM
Merry Christmas!! Sure could use some of that warmth up here! Christmas day we are to get some more snow and we hope the temp will not drop much below 0* for our daytime high!!

John K Jordan
12-25-2017, 12:42 AM
Richard, my friend, I'm wishing for the best of Christmas to you and your family! Christmas eve here has been great with grandsons and grand food and a even an hour of grand time in the shop. After dinner I hand to suffer though homemade apple pie AND an array of tempting Christmas cookies. It was almost 70°F here just a day ago but turned colder and was even snowing hard a little while ago!

And the best of the new year to you, wishing you many wonderful times, wonderful health, wonderful companions, and even some wonderful wood!

We are seriously considering a trip to the opposite end of the world sometime in '19 so we can see it with our own eyes, at least a little bit of it. (I never quite realized how big Australia is until you described getting around a bit - sure, we'll come visit the tropics then bop on down to Sydney for the day...ha!)


George Troy Hurlburt
12-25-2017, 8:10 AM
Merry Christmas everyone. I get to see part of my family today and that's great.

Frederick Skelly
12-25-2017, 9:52 AM
Merry Christmas to all!

Al Launier
12-25-2017, 9:59 AM
Merry Christmas to all & a prosperous New Year!

Glenn C Roberts
12-26-2017, 8:36 AM
The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living."

Atlas Shrugged

Ron Stadler
12-26-2017, 10:52 AM
Merry christmas, was getting ready to bundle up and head to the garage. LOL