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View Full Version : Also having a bad year

Bruce Koch
12-22-2017, 2:28 PM
I lost my wife of 41 years to leukemia in July after a 13 month battle. In November I lost my mother in law and the day of her funeral my Siberian husky of 14.5 years had a seizure and died. Having a hard time with the Holidays because it' also my wifes birthday on the 28th of Dec. I hope everybody else is having a great Holidays.

daryl moses
12-22-2017, 2:53 PM
Sorry to hear it Bruce, life can be tough sometimes.
My first wife passed away Nov. 29th of 1997 after a two year battle with cancer. We were married 25 years 1 month and 9 days. If she were still living i'm sure we would still be together.
And yes, the holidays can be very hard. My wish for you is that the good memories will in time overshadow the bad.
About the only advice I can give you is to stay busy, make some plans for the future, something you have always wanted to do, something to look forward to.
Hang in there, you'll never forget but it does get easier as time goes by.

Yonak Hawkins
12-22-2017, 3:55 PM
Bruce, yes, this is definitely a rough year for you. I hope you can keep your head up and remember friends are for talking with and leaning on. They don't mind.

Better times are ahead for you. The anguish never really goes away but it gets less bitter and easier to cope. After the Holidays have passed and the new year arrives, I think you'll see things brighten up.

Mark Bolton
12-22-2017, 4:07 PM
Sorry to hear man.. If you need someone to chew the fat with give me a ring and we can chat about wood or anything else that comes up. Life can be a challenge at times.

David Helm
12-22-2017, 5:10 PM
So sorry Bruce, I can't say more than what the 3 who posted ahead of me are right on.

Nathan Johnson
12-22-2017, 7:01 PM
I've come back to this thread several times today wanting to post my condolences and some grouping of words that might offer some comfort. But there's nothing to say that won't ring hollow.
I don't know you, Bruce, but I've thought of you several times since reading this and wished and hoped for your comfort...some easing of your grief. I hope your memories are fond and with you always.

After I lost my dad I found a quote that's stuck with me forever: "Death ends a life, not a relationship."
20+ years later I still talk to him, and sometimes feel him checking in. I cherish the moments.

George Bokros
12-22-2017, 7:46 PM
You have had a tough year Bruce. I can say from experience it will get better. We buried my mother on Christmas Eve in 1980. Nine years ago I had to have one of our dogs put to sleep at 2:00 a.m. on Christmas Day.

Frederick Skelly
12-22-2017, 7:54 PM
I'm sorry Bruce.

Steve Eure
12-23-2017, 6:36 AM
Bruce, I too am having a rough year. I have lost 5 friends, one my best friend, in the last month and a half. Had a mild heart attack two weeks ago, probably from dealing with all the pent up stress form my children and losses. If it wasn't for my faith and my grand children, I wouldn't be much in the spirit either. Grand children can be a wonderful blessing at this time of year to help steer your mind off of the difficult things.
I know its painful, but never give up and if you are not spiritual in any sort, look to God for comfort. It really helps.

Prashun Patel
12-23-2017, 7:56 AM
I hope you find some peace, Bruce. There's nothing comforting to say. Hope you have some love left.

mark kosse
12-23-2017, 8:44 AM
Sorry for your losses Bruce...

Pat Barry
12-23-2017, 8:46 AM
Sorry Bruce, I hope things turn around quickly for you and you can enjoy the memories you have of each of those you lost.

Thomas L Carpenter
12-23-2017, 8:50 AM
Bruce, I'm very sorry for your losses. I hope you have friends or relatives you can be with during the holidays.

Jim Becker
12-23-2017, 10:06 AM
I'm very sad for your multiple losses in the past year...even one is a lot to bear. I'm hoping that 2018 will be better for you and also hope that you can smile a lot over good memories that will always be with you.

michael langman
12-23-2017, 10:42 AM
I too read your post Bruce, and found no words, yesterday. The amount of your loss left me with nothing but prayer filled thoughts to you.
The loss of a loved one is immeasurable, bot not forever, as long as we can remember them as we loved them, in the good times.

Steve Schlumpf
12-23-2017, 10:53 AM
Bruce, like a couple of others have already said, I too am at a loss for words over the 'bad' year you have had. Just wanted to say that you are in my thoughts & prayers. God bless.

Bruce Koch
12-24-2017, 6:00 PM
I forgot to mention it's also my wife's birthday on Thursday Dec 28 she would have been 64.

Bert Kemp
12-24-2017, 6:49 PM
Bruce very sorry for you troubled times. I hear this poem at funerals I attend. I would like to think its our loved one speaking to us. I know that words can't relieve the pain, but maybe this will help just a little.

Raymond Fries
12-24-2017, 7:11 PM
Bruce, I am really sorry to hear of your many losses. May the good memories help carry you through the dark hours.

Saying good-bye to loved ones is never easy. They are always in your heart.

Try to take care.

Bless you