View Full Version : Books for Making Toys

Carroll Courtney
12-19-2017, 8:03 AM
Guys my grandson and I want to make some toy airplanes,boats,animals,etc. He is only 7 and I am only 63 so you know the fun type toys not the ones that are in great detail.I have no imagination so I need the help of some books that maybe has plans in them or patterns.I be using either a band saw or a scroll saw for this purpose which of coarse I will be the operator of the machines most of the time under my grandsons supervision.Looking for suggestions for toys that can be painted to kinda play with and maybe put on his shelf of what him and his PawPaw made along with memories----Thanks guys

Lee Schierer
12-19-2017, 8:19 AM
Try "The Great All American Wooden Toy Book". I've made many of the toys from that book and my grandkids played with them. Here are a few of the toys I've made. There are more at my website.

John K Jordan
12-19-2017, 9:11 AM

I have a small stack of wooden toy books and the one Lee mentions is probably one of the better ones with a variety of interesting toys and a good fun/detail balance. If you search Amazon with wooden toy books you will see this book and lots of others.

You will have great fun with your grandson. Mine love coming to the shop, especially this guy, 7.

Here we are making wooden fish to catch with a paperclip hook.

Loves the lathe too:
374241 374242

Even making things from cheap kits is quality time:


Carroll Courtney
12-20-2017, 5:17 PM
"Thats what I'm talking about" as my grand daughter would say.Fantastic guys thanks,looks like some happy faces ----Carroll

Victor Robinson
12-20-2017, 7:37 PM
This one has been on my to-get list for quite some time...

Carroll Courtney
12-21-2017, 10:18 AM
Victor my grandson will love that book,he has lots of dinosaur in his room

Caspar Hauser
12-23-2017, 6:19 AM
You might try a search for Richard E. Blizzard.

He has written quite a few books on wooden toy building at several levels of complexity. He had a tv series in the U.K. (quite a few years ago iirc), you tube may be helpful there.

With luck your library may have some, or be able to arrange an inter-library loan if not.



Carroll Courtney
12-25-2017, 10:19 AM
Look what Santa brought,I'm a hero thanks guys

Victor Robinson
12-27-2017, 1:34 AM
Good stuff! Definitely post your results when you get a chance to build from these!