View Full Version : Segmented Christmas Angels

Tom Winship
12-16-2017, 6:38 PM
I have been off the forum for a couple of years and am trying to get pumped up to get back into turning.
A couple of years ago, someone (can't remember the name) had an excellent tutorial for turning segmented angels. My feeble attempts at searching haven't been able to get me there.
Any help would be immensely appreciated.

Tom Winship
12-16-2017, 6:43 PM
I just found an old post by myself which revealed the turners name was Curt Fuller. Now to find the tutorial.

John K Jordan
12-16-2017, 7:36 PM
I just found an old post by myself which revealed the turners name was Curt Fuller. Now to find the tutorial.

There are some ornament instructions in this thread:

If this is the type of angel you want to make, try this:

This is from http://marleyturned.com/Articles.html


John Keeton
12-16-2017, 7:52 PM
Check these thread by Curt -


In the angel thread Curt says the process is the same as in the bell ornament tutorial.

Tom Winship
12-17-2017, 3:05 PM
Thanks guys. John you had the one that I remembered, but all are certainly appropriate. Haven't made one in several years, and there are only 8 days until Christmas..................