View Full Version : need help on wood choice

Rich Noterman
12-10-2017, 9:04 PM
A friend is opening a coffee they want 3x3ft tables 2 inch thick , what wood should I use and what finish that they can wipe down with water. The legs will be metal leg set that they found online. Any help is appreciated


Jim Becker
12-10-2017, 9:15 PM
A good part of this choice revolves around what kind of look they want in their coffee shop...the particular species isn't so important from a build perspective outside of "really soft pine" may not be the best idea. But anything from recycled floor planks to swanky cherry or mahogany will work. What do they want them to look like and go with? ;)

Mark Gibney
12-10-2017, 9:25 PM
Jim makes a really good point about what look your friend wants.

That said, oak is very commonly used for good reason, it's relatively cheap, available, hard wearing, easy to machine and work, and can be finished to suit a lot of "looks" - natural, distressed, darkly colored etc.

As to the finish, brushed on polyurethane is hard wearing and easy to do.

Bryan Lisowski
12-10-2017, 10:57 PM
Wood choice depends on the look your friend wants. As for the finish you could do an epoxy finish like a bar top, but the top may look like plastic.

John Gulick
12-11-2017, 6:32 PM
Oak end grain blocks glued up with an oiled finish