View Full Version : Cradle for Twins

Ken Garlock
11-06-2005, 1:10 PM
On page 60 of the December issue of Woodcraft Magazine is a picture and write-up of a terrific looking cradle by SMC'er Gail O'Rourke. The cradle is for twins by a twin. Don't get confused by the long run of twins in Gail's female side of the family.:confused:

Way to go Gail:)

Lee DeRaud
11-06-2005, 1:40 PM
The cradle is for twins by a twin. Don't get confused by the long run of twins in Gail's female side of the family.:confused: I wasn't...but I think I am now.:p

Jim Becker
11-06-2005, 2:26 PM
Hmm...another famous Creeker! Way to go, Gail!

Richard Wolf
11-06-2005, 3:57 PM
Nice job Gail.


Todd Davidson
11-06-2005, 4:13 PM
Great job Gail!

Gail O'Rourke
11-06-2005, 5:18 PM
What a great spot Ken...It was fun to make and the twins have arrived, here they are..only a few days old.

If you can follow....my mother was a fraternal girl twin, I have an identical twin and I gave birth to fraternal g/b twins - there birthday is tomorrow and they will be 8!

Thanks for noticing, I am giving a copy of the mag to my friends to keep for her twins baby books.

Corey Hallagan
11-06-2005, 9:04 PM
Congrats on the article Gail. Just curious, were you ever in one of those Doublemint commercials? :)


Bruce Shiverdecker
11-06-2005, 9:19 PM
Have to check out the mag tomorrow, when I go to work. In the meantime, congradulations on the article.


Dan Larson
11-06-2005, 9:27 PM
Way to go Gail! I'm sure the exposure will be good for your business. I don't subscribe to Woodcraft, so I guess I'll have to check out your write-up the next time I'm in the store.


John Miliunas
11-06-2005, 9:44 PM
Now there's a worthy gloat, if ever I saw one! Way to go, Gail.:) I haven't had much of a chance to look my latest issue over, but will do so as soon as I get back in the house. FWIW, with all the different WW rags out there, I happen to like the WC magazine. Lots of neat stuff in it, with a fair amount of project coverage done by home enthusiasts. Congrats, Gail! Well done.:) :cool:

Gail O'Rourke
11-07-2005, 7:02 AM
Thanks! But, it's just a picture...in the show off section. No article. I did write an article though and it will be in the next issue.

AJ Hamler
11-07-2005, 7:55 AM
Gail wrote a great article for me on her experience at American Sycamore Woodworkers' Retreat that will be in the next (Jan.) issue of Woodcraft Magazine. Plus, we're kicking around some project ideas. She's a great writer and a good woodworking talent, and I'm pleased to have her on our pages ... but the best part is that I got a "Stop Looking" shirt out of it.

By the way, as long as we're talking about the Show Off gallery section of the magazine, I hope the rest of you will submit photos of your best work just like Gail did. I'm eager to see whatever you send. I can use high-res digital files, slides, and quality prints (not low-res inkjet prints, though). Feel free to contact me at aj_hamler@woodcraftmagazine.com


John Hart
11-07-2005, 7:57 AM
Congratulations Gail! I'm looking forward to the article. Nice Pic!:)

John Miliunas
11-07-2005, 8:02 AM
By the way, as long as we're talking about the Show Off gallery section of the magazine, I hope the rest of you will submit photos of your best work just like Gail did. I'm eager to see whatever you send. I can use high-res digital files, slides, and quality prints (not low-res inkjet prints, though). Feel free to contact me at aj_hamler@woodcraftmagazine.com


A.J., thanks for that invite! Lots of very talented folks out here, with some gorgeous work and great ideas. :) (Wish I was one of them, but hey, I'm learning!:D ) :) :cool:

Doug Jones
11-07-2005, 1:42 PM
Very nice cradle Gail, puts mine to shame.:( :(

You were at the American Sycamore Woodworkers' Retreat and didn't contact me? I live only a few miles from that place and would have liked to of met you (as I would like to meet any woodworker:) ). Oh well maybe some other time. Can't wait to read the article next month.

And everyone lets not forget that Jim Shaver had a "show off" piece on the following page. Nice S&P set Jim.

Lee DeRaud
11-07-2005, 2:40 PM
If you can follow....my mother was a fraternal girl twin, I have an identical twin and I gave birth to fraternal g/b twins - there birthday is tomorrow and they will be 8!Arrrgh!! Sounds like the bit from "Catch-22": "I see everything twice!!"