View Full Version : What is your standard for "Thick" cabinet doors.

Jared Sankovich
12-03-2017, 10:39 AM
I've settled on 1.175" since it allows a 5/8" deep exterior door profile and enough room for a reverse raise using 1/2" panels. Its just enough to keep the backs flush.

What is everyone else using?


David Kumm
12-03-2017, 10:52 AM
I like the Freeborn entry door set for cabinet doors and end up with 1 1/16-1 1/8 rails and stiles. When doing raised panels I think the Freeborn cutters need more profile to balance the larger cope and stick so I have a different larger cutter for that. Dave372756372757

Bill Adamsen
12-03-2017, 11:01 AM
Jared - I like that approach. I've been doing 1" since the major suppliers can provide that thickness. For hinges are you able to operate that door with a "thick door" Euro hinge like the Blum 95° half-cranked thick door hinge (thinking face frame) [71B96X0]? And if so, what hinge cup boring distance do you use?

Jared Sankovich
01-21-2019, 9:07 PM
Jared - I like that approach. I've been doing 1" since the major suppliers can provide that thickness. For hinges are you able to operate that door with a "thick door" Euro hinge like the Blum 95° half-cranked thick door hinge (thinking face frame) [71B96X0]? And if so, what hinge cup boring distance do you use?

Not sure how I missed this.. only a year later on the reply.

Blum will work, but the reveal is way much for my taste.

I use Salice 200 series thick hinges (C2PBP99) They will clear the thicker doors and allow a 1.6mm reveal, vs 3mm for blum.

Warren Lake
01-21-2019, 10:08 PM
Jared you are starting with 5/4 rough? what thickness is it these days? are you doing your face frames the same or thicker? I still have some older material here when it was cut 1 1/8 to 1 3/16 on 4/4 rough. Have heard some mills still cut it thicker as in the past.

Jared Sankovich
01-21-2019, 10:25 PM
Jared you are starting with 5/4 rough? what thickness is it these days? are you doing your face frames the same or thicker? I still have some older material here when it was cut 1 1/8 to 1 3/16 on 4/4 rough. Have heard some mills still cut it thicker as in the past.

Yes 5/4, I can typically net 1" out of 4/4 from my supplier.

Face frames are the same thickness, but for beaded I'll recess the doors/drawers to the edge of the bead (approx .080") I just think it visually looks better.

Warren Lake
01-21-2019, 10:29 PM
yeah recess the same so door edge back on the bead works out to about the same as what you do. Ill ask here if any suppliers cutting as it was. thanks