View Full Version : Butterflies & Fairies Vessel

Joe Meirhaeghe
11-28-2017, 9:21 PM
At home a little under the weather today & I haven't posted here for a while so I thought I'd post this piece I made earlier this year.
Hard Maple vessel 17 3/4" X 7 1/2". Airbrushed with acrylic paint, real silver leaf band with chemical patina & fine detail ink lines.
I left the opening natural for contrast & let people know that it is really wood. A lot of people think a lot of my work is ceramic.

Adam Petersen
11-28-2017, 9:29 PM
Just wow. I got nothing else.

Damon McLaughlin
11-28-2017, 11:52 PM
Me too, nothing else but Wow!!

Frederick Skelly
11-29-2017, 6:45 AM
That's beautiful work! The more I look at it, the more it draws me in.

I hope this makes sense. But to me, a wooden piece crosses the line from woodworking to art when the end result is about far more than "only" the way the wood was shaped by the craftsman. Your piece looks like applying that finish took as much time as creating the vessel itself did. So to me it's really an example of "the whole is far greater than the sum of its parts" and definitely "art".

I'm not an "artsy" guy by any stretch and I lack the vocabulary to get my point across here. But the more I looked at your piece, the more it drew me in. The color, the metal, the "touchable" shape and finish/texture. It's unusual for me to react to an item this way and I'm having a tough time describing the impression it's left on me.

Very, very well done Joe.


Scott Grossman
11-29-2017, 7:35 AM
You made your point well.
I agree. Its an incredible piece.

Lamar Wright
11-29-2017, 8:35 AM
Joe..... just like everyone else said "WOW". I would like to see more of your work. That is a true art piece. Well done indeed.

Steve Schlumpf
11-29-2017, 9:19 AM
Beautiful work Joe! Love the size of this vase! You nailed the form and I really like that the acrylic coloring is translucent. The maple grain is visible but you have to look for it. Fantastic job on the detail ring! Overall - just stunning!

Also - congrats on winning the cover honors over on WOW! Well deserved and very happy to see you get the recognition!

Hope you feel better soon!

Mel Fulks
11-29-2017, 11:50 AM
Agree with all. A formal modern piece that will always look modern. Would fit in with high grade Art Deco stuff.

John Sanford
11-29-2017, 12:50 PM
Stunning, just stunning. I can see why folks would think it's ceramic, that's a classic shape for ceramics, much less common to see in wood.

Joe Meirhaeghe
11-29-2017, 4:53 PM
Thanks to everyone who takes time to look at and comment on my work. I really do appreciate it as I know I'm often guilty of not taking time to comment on others work that is posted even though I know it deserves to recognized.

Joe Meirhaeghe
11-29-2017, 5:01 PM
Fred I'm happy to know I've been able to draw you in for a closer look. There are times that I do little things just intended to draw people in for a closer or second look that they may miss on just a casual glance or look. This was one of those times so your comments makes me feel like it's a successful piece. Thank you for that.

Edward Weingarden
11-29-2017, 8:42 PM

Brian Bumpers
11-30-2017, 4:37 AM
Outstanding work.

daryl moses
11-30-2017, 7:43 AM
Wow!! How did I miss this one? What a beautiful piece of Art. Truly exceptional!! Thanks for sharing.

Joe Meirhaeghe
11-30-2017, 4:19 PM
Thanks Steve for your positive comments. I'm on some antibiotics, 3rd day now and just starting to feel a little better thanks.

David Delo
11-30-2017, 4:44 PM
2 Thumbs Up Joe. Like everyone else said, it's in the Wow and stunning category.

Perry Hilbert Jr
11-30-2017, 5:13 PM
it is that kind of work that intermediate turners aspire too and also which can cause beginner turners enough frustration to quite turning. That sort of thing belongs in an art museum.

Joe Meirhaeghe
11-30-2017, 10:02 PM
Perry, I certainly do not want to cause any beginning turners to get to get frustrated and quit turning. Believe me I have my share of frustrations, but I also have a lot of fun along the way. If it wasn't fun & challenging while being frustrating I may have quit myself a long time ago.

it is that kind of work that intermediate turners aspire too and also which can cause beginner turners enough frustration to quite turning. That sort of thing belongs in an art museum.

Dave Bonde
11-30-2017, 10:10 PM
Dang! The talent here never seizes to amaze me - awesome

Doug Rasmussen
12-01-2017, 7:04 AM
Yes, as others have said a beautiful piece...&nbsp;</p>
One question though.... how does a high gloss finish like you used hold up over the years with normal seasonal changes in the wood due to varying humidity?</p>
On edit:&nbsp; what are all the funny things inserted into my posting?</p>

Mark Greenbaum
12-01-2017, 10:22 AM
Without devulging top secret techniques - HOW did you do that incredible golden panel with the fairies and butterflies?

Joe Meirhaeghe
12-01-2017, 8:38 PM
Doug, first I have no idea why your post looks like it does.
As for the finish it's a spar varnish which is designed to stay a little flexible it's made for extieior & marine use. I've been using it for 10yrs now without any issues.

Yes, as others have said a beautiful piece...&nbsp;</p>

One question though.... how does a high gloss finish like you used hold up over the years with normal seasonal changes in the wood due to varying humidity?</p>
On edit:&nbsp; what are all the funny things inserted into my posting?</p>

Joe Meirhaeghe
12-01-2017, 8:58 PM
Mark it's not a simple or easy process but I'll try to explain.
The band is gilded with true silver leaf, the butterfly & fairy images are then very carefully masked off. Then next a chemical is applied to create the patina, when I start to get the color I want I apply a neutralizer to the chemical to stop the reaction. Next you have to clean off the neutralizer, then the mask is very carefully removed. Finish is applied then again very carefully sanded back being extremely careful not to sand through the silver leaf (which is very easily done). Next the fine black ink lines are applied then another coat of finish is applied,then sanded back again extremely carefully and at least one more coat of finish applied.

Without devulging top secret techniques - HOW did you do that incredible golden panel with the fairies and butterflies?