View Full Version : Wood screen door

Jay Jolliffe
11-22-2017, 12:13 PM
Screen on the outside or inside....Seem where I live they're putting it on the inside which I find odd...

Peter Christensen
11-22-2017, 12:23 PM
I made one for the last house I lived in of white oak, joined with biscuits. I cut grooves on the inside and held the screen with the "o-ring" type seal. Over that I placed 1/4" x 3/4" trim held on with brads. Lasted 20+ years until I moved and took it with me. Box shifted and holed the screen. :( I'll replace the screen in the spring and put it on this house. :)

Lee Schierer
11-22-2017, 12:37 PM
On most houses where the regular door swings in the screen door is on the outside and would swing out. On houses where the regular door swings out, The screen door would be on the inside and swing in.

andy bessette
11-22-2017, 1:06 PM
Screen door, interchangeable with storm door, on outside, always.

Jay Jolliffe
11-22-2017, 1:11 PM
I know the door should be on the outside of the house but was wondering about the screen on the door itself....

Bradley Gray
11-22-2017, 1:17 PM
Screen on the outside. I use brass pins to secure the molding.

I recently re-screened and removed/ reinstalled the moldings easily.

Mel Fulks
11-22-2017, 1:22 PM
My guess is screen on inside is a way of justifying not painting the back of the screen holding moulding. And I also guess that who ever thought of it considers himself a genius .

Peter Christensen
11-22-2017, 1:25 PM
If you are making a screen door for yourself the choice is yours. If you're getting one from a store then the decision is already made for you. I don't think the bugs care one way or the other as long as they can find a hole or gap to get into the house. :p

I guess I'm not a genius, I didn't paint it at all. I used a clear coat finish to see the oak. It was a Cetol 1 and Cetol 2 if memory serves. (Added a couple hours latter.)

John Gulick
11-22-2017, 7:18 PM
Do you need thermal insulation? If so, consider cutting a rebate in the door for removable storm/screen panels. We have been making them for years with mortise and tenon corners glued with Titebond II. The removable panels are popular here in Buffalo.

Gregory King
11-23-2017, 7:42 AM
I know the door should be on the outside of the house but was wondering about the screen on the door itself....

Jay- The screen goes on the outside of the wooden door. Staple on and cover with thin strip. That was the old style. Why change a good thing. Greg

Perry Mack
11-24-2017, 6:16 AM
Everyone can put their screen on the outside. You also do it. And if you can use dowel joint (https://www.bestdoweljigs.com/how-to-make-dowel-joint/) in your door frame then it can give an extra strongness.

Jay Jolliffe
11-24-2017, 6:27 AM
Thanks for the replies...All the screen doors I've made, the screen is always on the outside. A house I've been working on now they had some made & the screen was on the inside which I found odd...These are not cheep screen doors..Perry I use floating tenons on the stiles & rails...Never tried dowels ....

Ron Kurzius
11-24-2017, 10:30 AM
I had this argument years ago when I was on a job with fancy custom made screen doors and I asked, who put the screen doors on backwards? I always thought they were just done the same way a window was made with the cover strip for the screen the same as the glazing on a window. Anyway, they told me I was wrong and I should go back and change everyone I've done so I don't look stupid.

I also thought that with the screen on the out side the door is smoother and less place for dirt to collect. I still think I'm correct.

Off topic, my storm door won't close. There is too much pressure, no place for the air to go. Anyone have a solution other then cutting a hole in the door with some sort of one way baffle?

Jay Jolliffe
11-24-2017, 4:21 PM
Some storm doors that I've put in had an adjustable sweep on the bottom. It could move up & down by loosening screws. That would let air in so it would shut.

Ron Kurzius
11-26-2017, 8:29 PM
Some storm doors that I've put in had an adjustable sweep on the bottom. It could move up & down by loosening screws. That would let air in so it would shut.

I've got mine hung with no sweep and just enough clearance over the saddle. When I leave the house I have to push the door shut, it's fine coming in with the other door open.

Just noticed, Islesboro. I spent six months riding the Quick silver, don't know how you do it :)

Bill Adamsen
11-27-2017, 11:26 AM
If putting the effort into a wood screen door in a marine environment, consider using bronze screening. If dogs are involved, consider double screen (insect and hardware) and the screen mounted opposite the push direction. Dogs seem to figure out quickly if screen doors don't always latch.

Many Friday evenings spent (many years ago) racing to catch the Margaret Chase Smith (friends at Decker Point) and hoping not to have to take Quicksilver!

Jay Jolliffe
11-27-2017, 3:02 PM
Having the last boat to the Island at 5:00 is an inconvenience...Can't go out to dinner & a movie unless you want to take the Quick Silver as you said. A non-scheduled run is around 120.00 for the boat whether it's 1 or 10..a scheduled run is 10.00 per person I think. I try NOT to take it..

Larry Edgerton
11-27-2017, 5:56 PM
I do it both ways. Outswing door, screen on the outside but if it is an inswing door, I put it on the outside. :D