View Full Version : Makita vs Milwaukee Pure Living for Life series

Ole Anderson
11-21-2017, 11:11 AM
I ran across an incredible couple that is basically funding their new homestead on income from YouTube videos (my guess). They are up to 251 published videos and are on the verge of publishing ones from their recent raising of the timber frame of their home after over two years on site. I am totally hooked on the series. They are milling their own lumber on a Wood-Mizer LT-15, after upgrading from a Granville after upgrading from a home built mill. One set of videos they do is "unboxing" new tools. They first started with a Black and Decker drill/driver, moved onto some nice Makita versions and now unboxed the 18 volt fuel version of the Milwaukee drill/driver/circ saw combo. Very thorough comparison between the two. It is a long video, but be warned; you might get hooked.

Here is their first video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlVMXFxNu8c&list=PLp1Rm233y0B_bLOIcnFccDPgpu-4EXokW