View Full Version : Bosch 1617

Bruce Day
11-17-2017, 7:48 PM
Is anyone having or did have any problems with the Bosch 1617 fitting into the fixed base? When I first got my router I had all kinds of problems getting it to slide into the fixed base, plunge was alright? I've cleaned it good, (always) waxed it then cleaned any residue off, but would have all kinds of problems. It got to the point I didn't want to scratch up the motor so I broke down and bought a new base. That one worked for awhile until today. I took the base off the table and tried it and I flat couldn't get it to go in. I tried lining up using both arrows on motor and nothing worked. The one time I got it in, it got cock-eyed and I like to never got it out. I've adjusted the lever to get it as loose as I dared but to no avail. Anybody have a thought?

Prashun Patel
11-17-2017, 8:54 PM
Years back that problem was common. Something to do with the material of the base. I took mine to an authorized Bosch repair center and they replaced the base for free. That must have been 10 years ago.

Matt Day
11-17-2017, 9:44 PM
Prashun’s go it. The old motors were magnesium I think and they had issues. I remember having to stand on the fixed base and yank on the motor to remove it. Give Bosch a call. You must have an old one?

Joshua Bass
11-17-2017, 10:57 PM
I had tons of problems with mine. I could never get it into or out of the bases. I ended up moving it to a router table permanently and picking up a different router for hand use. It is a poor design IMO.

Matt Day
11-18-2017, 8:05 AM
Josh - have you called Bosch about it? Once the problem is fixed it’s one of the best and most popular router on the market. Lots of folks here have one, or two like I do.

And Bruce - I just realized we’re cousins! ;-)

Bruce Day
11-18-2017, 1:07 PM
Finally got it in , it now has full time table duty. Going to get another Bosch for other duties, thanks to everyone for their replies. Matt, fill me in when you get a chance, bruceday299@gmail.com.

John TenEyck
11-18-2017, 1:12 PM
I had that problem until I cleaned and waxed the motor. That was a year ago and it's been fine ever since. Lining up the arrows isn't exactly right which makes it confusing, but once the motor and base are in correct alignment they go together without balking. Mine is in my router table so I don't even look for the arrows anymore; I just rotate the motor until it slides in. You have to hold the coarse adjustment lever in, too.


Mike Henderson
11-19-2017, 11:06 AM
I had that problem until I cleaned and waxed the motor. That was a year ago and it's been fine ever since. Lining up the arrows isn't exactly right which makes it confusing, but once the motor and base are in correct alignment they go together without balking. Mine is in my router table so I don't even look for the arrows anymore; I just rotate the motor until it slides in. You have to hold the coarse adjustment lever in, too.


I did the same as John except I put some lubrication on it. Since then, no major problems.


Ellery Becnel
11-20-2017, 7:03 AM
I had the same issue. I found that there were some high spots that were "grabbing" on both parts. I lightly sanded, and used scotcbrite to allow both components to move freely. I also kept trying the motor in the plunge base, along the way. I wanted to make sure that I was not taking too much off. Now it goes together like it has eyes!

Joshua Bass
11-21-2017, 12:15 AM
Josh - have you called Bosch about it? Once the problem is fixed it’s one of the best and most popular router on the market. Lots of folks here have one, or two like I do.

And Bruce - I just realized we’re cousins! ;-)

I probably could have, but decided to just use this motor in a table permanently. I picked up a Festool OF 1400 for hand routing.