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View Full Version : Is Festool Sander worth the $$

Brent Romero
11-13-2017, 6:52 PM
As with most things I have learned in life, higher cost usually equals higher quality and performance. is the Festool sander truly worth the money?

Looking forward to your expert advice.

Bill Dindner
11-13-2017, 7:00 PM
What specific sander do you have in mind?

Also, how do you plan on using it? Any special needs?

Brent Romero
11-13-2017, 7:04 PM
I have not picked out a specific model. I would mainly use it to sand raised panels and such in prep for staining and/or painting.

As with most things I have learned in life, higher cost usually equals higher quality and performance. is the Festool sander truly worth the money?

Looking forward to your expert advice.

Victor Robinson
11-13-2017, 7:17 PM
Hard to say if it's worth it for someone else. I have several Festool sanders and like them. There was a time when I scoffed at their price and couldn't justify them.

Hard to say more without knowing which sander you might be considering. From what you said about use I'm guessing you'd be looking at a finish sander - an ETS or ETS EC.

If you buy locally you can take full advantage of the 30 day return policy without paying return shipping. Just note that only the tool is returnable - not accessories such as pads or paper.

Jim Becker
11-13-2017, 9:49 PM
The question about which specific sander really is relevant. :) The 6" ROS mostly get big kudos whereas the 5" ROS get a little lest glowing commentary.

I will say that I wouldn't give up my 150-3 and Rotex 150 for sure. They work extremely well, have excellent dust control and don't cause my hands to go numb...which is why I bought them in the first place.

Bruce Page
11-13-2017, 10:36 PM
I own one green tool, the ETS 150/3 ROS. It took about 2 years for me to pull the trigger but I have no regrets. I have a shelf full of PC sanders of different types that I haven’t used since buying the ETS... That’s not entirely true, I still use my PC-505 occasionally.

P.s., I use my ETS 150/3 hooked up to my Fein Turbo III vacuum with great results. Pairing it with the Festool vacuum is not a requirement.

Roy Turbett
11-13-2017, 11:10 PM
I own a Rotex 150 and a finish sander. The Rotex can do double duty and replace a belt sander and do an adequate job of finish sanding. That said, IMHO they're only worth the money if you pair them with the HEPA vacuum. Dust collection is where they excel. The sandpaper is also very good and lasts longer than less expensive brands.

Randy Heinemann
11-13-2017, 11:32 PM
There are 2 features common to all Festool sanders which I think make them worth the money:

1. Great dust collection; in fact, I'd say better than any other sander I've used. The best collection is with a Festool vac.
2. Festool sandpaper - It is long lasting, does a great job, and really isn't that expensive, especially since it lasts longer than other brands. Just so you know, you must use Festool's sandpaper.

John Sanford
11-14-2017, 1:08 AM
Mirka. Mirrrrrrrrrrrrrkkaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... Mirka :cool:

Martin Wasner
11-14-2017, 6:44 AM
Mirka. Mirrrrrrrrrrrrrkkaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... Mirka :cool:

What he said

Sam Murdoch
11-14-2017, 6:46 AM
There are 2 features common to all Festool sanders which I think make them worth the money:

1. Great dust collection; in fact, I'd say better than any other sander I've used. The best collection is with a Festool vac.
2. Festool sandpaper - It is long lasting, does a great job, and really isn't that expensive, especially since it lasts longer than other brands. Just so you know, you must use Festool's sandpaper.

On this point my experience is otherwise. I nearly exclusively use Abranet Mesh pads these days on my Festool ETS/3 and really love that combo. I have never been a fan of most of the Festool "sandpaper" line up, but I surely am impressed with the 3 sanders I own. In addition to the ETS/3 I have a RO150 and RO90 for detail work. Have yet to use Abranet with the RO90.

Derek Cohen
11-14-2017, 7:17 AM
I have the predecessor of the 150/3, the E2TE. In fact, mine is badged "Festo". Still running after 20+ years (I have replaced the pads a few times - currently running the same as the 150/3).

About a year ago I began using the Abranet mesh, both on the sander and the Mirka hand sanding pads. The latter is especially impressive.

It is important that you use an Abranet backing pad, and not use the Abranet mesh directly on the Festool pad, as it will wear away the hooked grip.

Regards from Perth


Bryce Adams
11-14-2017, 7:31 AM

Which Mirka hand sanding pad do you use? Sounds like an interesting product.


richard poitras
11-14-2017, 7:50 AM
I like my Mirka. Very light weight and ajustable speed.

Rod Sheridan
11-14-2017, 8:01 AM
I have the ETS 150/3.

I really like it for 2 reasons, the dust collection and my hand doesn't go numb when I use it.

I no longer use my other random orbital sanders................Regards, Rod.

Chuck Saunders
11-14-2017, 8:50 AM
I bought my 150/3 after someone made the point - It's not that it does a better job of sanding, the less vibration allows you to sand longer and do a more complete job sanding. less hand fatigue sells the sander, dust control is a perk.

Mike Henderson
11-14-2017, 8:58 AM
I tried a Festool sander and didn't find any real advantage over my other sanders.


Larry Edgerton
11-14-2017, 11:55 AM
I had an ETS 150/3 it lasted less than a year. Sent it in six months ago, still do not have it back and no one knows where it is. Nice while I had it.

Mark Carlson
11-14-2017, 12:08 PM
I got my 1st one a dozen years ago because of the dust collection which is excellent. I have 3 now. Great sanders.

Nick Decker
11-14-2017, 12:30 PM
I have two: Rotex 90 and RTS 400. (Virtually all of my work is small scale.) They are both excellent sanders, yet over priced, IMO.

Edwin Santos
11-14-2017, 12:59 PM
I thought Festool sanders were way overpriced until I got one (ETS EC 125). It's in a completely different class versus the DeWalt DW421 RO I had for years. You've heard about the dust collection, but I also think the brake system and variable speed is superior to others. Very powerful too, not easy to bog down. I can only imagine what the Rotex is like.

Is it too expensive? Personal call. I don't view this as a competition to pay the cheapest possible price for everything. If it makes you happy and/or you get a lot of use out of it and/or buying it doesn't put you in the poorhouse, it's worth the $$.

Bill Adamsen
11-14-2017, 1:47 PM
+1 on the 150/3 ETS and 150 Rotex (can't remember the last time I picked up a belt sander). The 150 ETS is quite a good tool from the perspective of function, dust collection and flexibility. I'm sure the Mirka is great too.

Brian Henderson
11-14-2017, 3:20 PM
I don't think so but it depends on why you want it. If you're just a hobbyist, it's vastly overpriced for what it gives you. It fails the cost/benefit analysis for me. I can do exactly the same thing with other products, why cough up all of the dough for something when I can spend that money on something that I actually care about. I don't have a production shop, I am a hobbyist. If my hand starts going numb, I just stop sanding and go do something else. Nobody is holding a gun to my head and forcing me to sand for hours on end. But at the end of the day, the decision is between you and your wallet. I made my decision long ago that I had no need for the big green cult.

Jim Becker
11-14-2017, 8:16 PM
Brian, you make valid points and if a particular tool isn't "right for you", then it doesn't matter what it costs...it's not a good investment.

On the numbness, thing, however, I need to point out that some of us are hit hard enough by that that it only takes a very, very short period of time for it to appear. For me, that was 2-3 minutes with the PC sanders I originally used. Stopping and starting with that kind of frequency was maddening. I can sand for 30+ minutes now with no noticeable numbness, tingling or pain. So for me, the 150/3 has paid for itself several times over. It's also over 10 years old and still works like new. I was replacing the old PC sanders about every two years because they just didn't hold up. And I was an "occasional" woodworker. In that respect, the Festool unit really wasn't more expensive.

John Sincerbeaux
11-14-2017, 8:28 PM
I think Festool tools are worth the money. I think the Rotex series Sanders are beasts and that’s what I want for heavy sanding jobs. But for precise finish sanding, the Mirka sanders are king. A palm style, low profile sander is just superior in comfort and control. Quite, smooth, and amazing dust collection just add to their appeal. I think one day all electric sanders will look and feel like air sanders. Mirka just beat everyone else in the electric sanding world.

Bill Graham
11-14-2017, 8:30 PM
I bought my Mirka Ceros over 5 years ago, it was the first time I ever thought "I could have saved some money and bought a Festool". How many times can you say that? ;) But the Mirka felt like the old Sioux air sanders I cut my teeth on, just without the noise and the need for a really big air compressor. The dust collection was great hooked up to my old Fein vac, no need for a variable speed vac and a big improvement over the old air sanders that never heard of dust collection.

I've played with just about all of the Festool sanders, the closest they've come to the Mirka is the ETS, the rest are special-purpose tools and good at what they're designed for. I'm not that picky about sanders, I just want one go-to tool that does most of what I need done. YMMV.

But there's no way I'd swap my Ceros or Deros for the ETS, sometimes you get what you pay for.

Andrew J. Coholic
11-14-2017, 10:03 PM
Been sanding many years, with many hours on a whole lot of different brands - both pneumatic and electric.

Currently, we use 2 Mirka and 5 Festool sanders in the shop. I really like the FEstool ETS EC - prob the best all around sander IMO. They all seem to hold up to a production environment.

Roy Turbett
11-14-2017, 11:07 PM
I don't think so but it depends on why you want it. If you're just a hobbyist, it's vastly overpriced for what it gives you. It fails the cost/benefit analysis for me. I can do exactly the same thing with other products, why cough up all of the dough for something when I can spend that money on something that I actually care about. I don't have a production shop, I am a hobbyist. If my hand starts going numb, I just stop sanding and go do something else. Nobody is holding a gun to my head and forcing me to sand for hours on end. But at the end of the day, the decision is between you and your wallet. I made my decision long ago that I had no need for the big green cult.

I've pretty much given up commercial work and am mostly a hobbyist. But as I mentioned earlier, the Festool dust collection system is what makes it worth the extra cost from a health viewpoint. That's because it collects nearly all of it. One of my upcoming projects is to sand and finish some 100 year old storm windows that certainly have a lead paint. I'll obviously still take other precautions, but knowing that the sander/HEPA vacuum will capture nearly everything is comforting. This should also be a consideration for anyone with a basement shop that wants to keep dust from entering the HVAC system. And last, Festool tools and vacuums hold their value much better than any other brand.

Matt Lau
11-15-2017, 6:15 PM
+2 on the Mirka. No regrets.

Randy Heinemann
11-16-2017, 1:52 PM
I assume you have some documentation, including the original receipt, registration online with Festool, and/or something from when you sent it in. They should send you a new one. If you aren't getting satisfaction from Service, go on the Festool Owners Group site (FOG) and post in the Ask Festool section. If you're not already a member you will have to join. Usually there a response from a Festool employee quickly and your problems should be resolved.

Jim Finn
11-16-2017, 5:54 PM
I have Festool's smallest sander and like it. I use it the most because it is the lightest sander I have found. I make small crafty items so I really do not need a big powerful sander.

Dave Zellers
11-16-2017, 6:25 PM
I have Festool's smallest sander and like it. I use it the most because it is the lightest sander I have found. I make small crafty items so I really do not need a big powerful sander.

Which one is that? I'm looking to use my $50 coupon before it expires without breaking the bank. I'm strongly leaning toward the RTS 400.

Jim Finn
11-16-2017, 6:52 PM
125 esl A small light, 5" sander.

Dave Zellers
11-16-2017, 6:55 PM
Thanks. Buying that one is why I have a $50 coupon! :)

Mike Tekin
11-16-2017, 10:54 PM
Thanks. Buying that one is why I have a $50 coupon! :)

Just make sure you purchase the ETS 125 "REQ" - and not the regular 125 as some vendors may have the older model which is discountinued and has the weaker motor. The REQ is the newest version and the power increase and better ergonomics is noticeable in my opinion.

Ben Rivel
11-17-2017, 6:20 PM
I have the ETS EC 150/3 and its been worlds better than the $50 DeWalt it replaced which was really the only other ROS sander Id owned. Ive since added the RTS 400 EQ.

Mike Cleary
11-17-2017, 7:09 PM
I have a load of Festool machines. ALL OF THEM do cost more, but they are bombproof. You get what you pay for, but you will not be disappointed. Well designed, built and engineered, they really are the best tools out there today. I have all kinds of tools which fill up my shop, these are a "Go To Tool". Besides, it's Christmas, buy it.

Bill McNiel
11-17-2017, 8:23 PM
YES, but that is IMHO for my use. I have three ETS 125, RS 2 E and DTS 400 REQ (actually 4 due to buying an additional ETS 125 REQ during the "special offer"). Perfect example of putting my money where my mouth is, if I wasn't happy with the first one I sure wouldn't have bought the others. Getting close to buying the RO 125 FEQ to supplement my belt sander.

Dave Zellers
11-17-2017, 10:28 PM
Where do you guys buy paper for the 400? I'm getting ready to pull the trigger.

The finest I see is 220- do they make any finer than that, say 400 grit for finishes?

EDIT- just found it. Up to 400 grit in the Granat paper.

Nick Decker
11-18-2017, 5:23 AM
Dave, try BobMarinosBestTools.com if you need small quantities. He often has 10-packs of various items.

Mark Blatter
11-18-2017, 8:32 AM
Which model of Mirka do you Mirka lovers recommend? I looked on their web page and they show different options / models. I have been thinking about upgrading and now is the time to do it with black friday deals already up and running.

Jim Becker
11-18-2017, 9:42 AM
Where do you guys buy paper for the 400? I'm getting ready to pull the trigger.

The finest I see is 220- do they make any finer than that, say 400 grit for finishes?

EDIT- just found it. Up to 400 grit in the Granat paper.

Yes, Rubin tops out at "220", so you need to use the Granat (stearated) papers for going up into the "finish-sanding" realm.

Dave Zellers
11-18-2017, 11:54 AM
Dave, try BobMarinosBestTools.com if you need small quantities. He often has 10-packs of various items.

Thanks for that! Great sandpaper selection and free shipping.

Martin Wasner
11-18-2017, 2:12 PM
Which model of Mirka do you Mirka lovers recommend? I looked on their web page and they show different options / models. I have been thinking about upgrading and now is the time to do it with black friday deals already up and running.

I have the Ceros and Deros in the shop. The Ceros has been discontinued, but the Deros is really good as well.

They're expensive, but in my opinion the cheapest sander available. I was impressed enough after five minutes of using a a Ceros that I ordered one up that day, and a couple more a few weeks later. I was sure I'd hate the feel of the Deros in my hand, but it's not as bulky feeling as it looks. The cord is a lot lighter than the Deros, which is nice. The Ceros lasts a good couple of years in my shop at the down draft table where it gets the harshest use.

My experience with the Festool sanders is pretty limited, but I haven't been blown away by them.

Nick Decker
11-18-2017, 7:31 PM
Thanks for that! Great sandpaper selection and free shipping.

Yup, and the shipping is surprisingly quick, for being free.

Jim Becker
11-18-2017, 8:04 PM
Bob (who is an SMC community member) is 'da best' when it comes to who to buy Festool from if you don't already have a relationship with someone else. Great service and as noted, he doesn't nice things like offer smaller quantities of the abrasives so you can affordably get something special or different than you normally use when it's the right product for a particular job. I took advantage of that a few years ago when restoring a rusty tractor implement...I needed some 40- and 60 grit for my Rotex and not a quantity of 50.

Brent Romero
11-21-2017, 3:00 PM
Guys, thanks for all of the helpful comments and suggestions. It is now time for me to do my research into the various models and make a decision.

Thanks again