View Full Version : Razor handle kit

Rob Matarazzo
11-11-2017, 6:27 PM
Anyone aware of a kit for a turned razor handle that will take Sensor Excel cartridges?

Don Jarvie
11-11-2017, 10:46 PM
Penn State. If you make one use loctite to hold the parts together.

Rob Matarazzo
11-15-2017, 7:04 AM
Thanks Don, but PSI as well as the other sources I’ve checked seem to only sell Mach 3 razor kits.

John K Jordan
11-15-2017, 9:09 AM

I've never made a razor handle but what people often do to make custom turned handles for things is to buy the thing and remove or adapt the handle to fit into a wooden handle. Just yesterday a friend told me that he bought a dozen ice cream scoops from Ikea - he cuts off the plastic handles and epoxies into a turned handle.

This is easy for a metal thing with a plastic handle. I know nothing about that razor (or much about razors in general!) If the razor holder and handle is a monolithic plastic injection molding this may require some creativity, for example carving or mounting the razor somehow and turning down the handle to a small diameter to fasten into the wood. This, of course, might not be practical for a production run!