View Full Version : How much for a used Performax 16-32??

Chris Berry 84
11-03-2017, 10:39 AM
I'm not in any immediate need of a drum sander, but have been trying to keep my eye out in the local classifieds for a couple months now. Problem is, I'm having a hard time figuring out just how much I should be paying for one. Most of the prices I see are from 2011 - 2013 and holy crap, they used to be so much cheaper!! People saying $600-$800 brand new or slightly used and others saying that's not that good of a price. I'm looking now and Jet's is $1,899 and Supermax is $1,199.
I've seen a couple in classifieds that were pretty beat (no belt, no dc ever used) for around $700 or $800. I'm just wondering whether or not that's a decent price or if I'm being greedy wanting one for less. I know grizzly has one for around $500 or $600, and while I'm not completely opposed to grizzly, the performax/supermax appears to be leagues above the grizzly.

I'm not any extreme woodworker and really don't spend that much on my tools, but have been more willing to lately. I'd like to be able to get in to some end grain cutting boards and maybe even try my hand at making an acoustic guitar or ukulele. But $1,500 is more than I'm willing to spend right now.

Am I being greedy for trying to find a used decent quality drum sander for $500 - $600?

Andrew Gibson
11-03-2017, 12:46 PM
They are out there, I bought my performax 16/32 about 5 years ago in very good shape for $475.
I have used it a lot for guitar and ukulele work, and have used it on end grain boards. It works well but is under powered in my opinion.

Bill McNiel
11-03-2017, 1:07 PM
FWIW-About 5-6 years ago I looked for a used Supermax 19/38 for over a year and just when I had decided to buy a new one I came across a virtually new 25/50 with a bunch of additional sandpaper for $500. Truly a very "Lucky Duck" find. Drum sanders do not, in my experience, come on the market very often. I fully recommend the Supermax and suggest you think hard about a new one given the scarcity of used machines. I know that fortune just decided to shine on me this time.

Nick Decker
11-03-2017, 1:44 PM
The 16-32 machines, it seems, tend to be the go-to drum sanders for hobbyists. Around here, I've NEVER seen one used on Craig's List or anywhere else. So, large demand = high price.

BTW, if I ever came across one that claimed to have never been used with dust collection I would expect to see a machine not worth owning. I can't imagine one functioning longer than a couple of minutes under those conditions.

Steve Peterson
11-03-2017, 2:25 PM
I was in the same situation as many other folks that replied. I searched CL for months with little success. Just as I was about to spring for a new 10/20 with a 10% off discount, a used 22/44 popped up on CL for $750. I grabbed it quickly. They don't come up on CL in my area very often, so keep checking and don't be in a hurry.

$500-600 seems like a really good price for a 16/32 if you can find one. You might need to go a bit higher which would still be a good deal if it comes with extra paper.


David Utterback
11-03-2017, 6:11 PM
Right now, on the Cincinnati Craigslist, there are a couple nearby with prices of $500 and $1600. Amazing range.

George Bokros
11-03-2017, 6:22 PM
I bought a used 16/32 in 2012 for $350. It was an older unit (Performax) before the advent of the Smart Sand feature.

Chris Berry 84
11-27-2017, 12:29 PM
Alright, thanks for everyone's input. Seems like I can keep holding off for a while until I find a good deal since I'm not in any immediate need. I see them about once or month or so since I'm in a fairly large city, but everyone always wants to sell it for $100 or $200 off the brand new price since they only used it a couple times over a few years. I'd rather just buy a new one if that's all I'm saving, especially since they usually sat there for months caked in sawdust. Maybe eventually I'll find someone that's motivated to sell. Nice to know I'm not being too unrealistic though.

Brian Tillinghast
11-27-2017, 1:25 PM
Hi Chris, I know you are looking for used (me too), but Acme Tool has Cyber Monday 20% sale going. It is a max. $150 and says Laguna ( Supermax) is not valid. I put the new 16/32 SM in my cart and it showed -$150 and free shipping. So, for $1049 , no tax and free shipping it's a great deal, if you can swing the extra $$.

John K Jordan
11-27-2017, 2:34 PM
Chris, I can't help with the typical price/value but I can say this - I use mine (a Performax 22-44) far more than I ever imagined. Knowing what I do now, I wouldn't wait to buy one, I'd just get one and start using it. Life is too short to wait for the best deal! (IMO!)

BTW, I find the built-in dust collection with a 4" port in the middle of the hood works extremely well. (I use a 5-hp cyclone with 6" ducts reduced to 4" right at the sander.)


Travis Porter
11-27-2017, 3:54 PM
I had a 22/44 with conveyor, stand and casters, and I believe a 1.5HP motor that I bought new for about $1500 to $1600 in 2000/2001. I kept it for around 7 or 8 years and sold it for $1K with a good quantity of sandpaper and a spare conveyor belt. It sold pretty quick if I remember correctly.

Your are probably in line price wise, but the price will go up or down depending on features/accessories and age.

Good luck

Bob Falk
11-27-2017, 8:22 PM
I sold my Performax 16-32 for $400 a few years ago and a Performax 25-2 double drum for $900 (w/lots of sandpaper). Both older, but in good working order. I felt we both got a good deal.

Mike Spray
12-05-2017, 11:06 AM
I’ve got a 16-32 and have turned down an unsolicited offer of $800 ( it was in a photo I’d posted of a jointer I was selling and got a call). The potential buyer want a made in USA version vs new. No experience to offer on the Asian versions. To buy again, I’d for sure go with dual drums. As another reply stated, I’d say it’s underpowered. However, if you don’t tax it, a drum sander is definitely useful.