View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
10-23-2017, 10:37 AM
23 Oct 2017

Good Morning Everyone,
The good news today is that the king size bed project is now at the designer/owner's home and no longer in my shop. They haven't decided on a color or finish yet, but they decided to take it home with them and then work with me after they have decided on the actual install of the bed. My only question now is "how long will it take them to decided on a color/finish AND how long will it take them to apply said color/finish before they call me for the install?"

No matter, here's a pic of proof that I've actually been doing something in the shop for a change:

Played some music with friends this weekend and I have the sore fingers to prove that I need to practice guitar more. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

John K Jordan
10-23-2017, 12:09 PM
"Blisters on my fingers!!!"

I had a productive weekend, but with little sleep!

On Saturday I drove a couple of hours to present a demonstration to the Chattanooga woodturner's club; the pre-meeting newsletter: (http://nebula.wsimg.com/99527e45126917c290902fa59de5e67f?AccessKeyId=4B284 6EB00E5EFDE63E8&disposition=0&alloworigin=1)
Good clean fun!! This is the piece I brought to show - as soon as possible I'll finish the two I used for the demonstration.

Then up till 3:30am preparing for a children's program for Sun morning - somehow I got it done and presented the material without collapsing. Then off to the airport. I need to retire or take a vacation or a nap. Wait, I retired a decade ago and just came back from a vacation....


Charles Taylor
10-23-2017, 1:46 PM
Fall weekends usually include some time spent watching college football, but when I wasn't doing that or on Sunday attending church, I continued my project of the previous weekend, making shelves for the TV cabinet.

The shelves are meant to ride on full-extension slides to make it easy to access the rear of electronic components, and I'm building them somewhat like inverted drawers, with a rectangular frame supporting the flat panel of the shelf. The sides are joined to the front with short, blind sliding dovetails made on the router table. I took a scrap from next to the miter saw to use for setting up the tail cuts on the side pieces, which I had already cut to final length. Only after making the tails on the sides did I discover that the scrap I used for setup was thicker than the workpieces, leaving me with the very same kind of mistake Glenn Bradley described here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?258791-Mistake-Recovery-and-a-Vanity-Organizer. Unfortunately his post appeared about 20 hours too late for me, and I didn't think of anything like it myself.

So...rather than four shelves ready for finish at the end of the weekend, there are two, plus most but not all of the requisite parts for the other two.

Jim Becker
10-23-2017, 4:59 PM
Another "delightful" 7 day weekend. :) On the weekend-weekend, proper, it was the normal eclectic set of food shopping, working on an in-house project, cooking a nice meal, watching the Penn State game, a 'Creeker visit from Robert Cherry, a trip to Costco and more time on the in-house project. The so called "in-house" project is converting a small bedroom adjacent to my older daughter's bedroom into a study/living room for her so she'll have more of an "apartment experience". While we hope she'll be able to live on her own someday (and are pursuing SSI), for the foreseeable future, she'll still be in our home. Aside from her needs, doing this room the way we are also eliminates it as a "dumping ground" as "empty rooms" sometimes become. Paint is done; TV and network cabling went in today and hopefully, I'll be able to wrap up the project in a few days so I can move on to other things.

marty fretheim
10-23-2017, 8:39 PM
My new dining room chairs went from this....
to this.

Plus I cleaned up the shop.

Wayne Lomman
10-23-2017, 9:39 PM
Still in bed recovering from a road/sea trip. 4000km and 1200 nautical miles in ferry voygages. The trip was to pack and transport a coordinate measuring machine we purchased at auction in Adelaide. This machine will measure 3D objects up to 1800mm x 800mm x 800mm to the nanometre. Too risky to entrust it to general freight so I ended up with the job. It was a great trip until the final voyage across Bass Strait - seasickness hit big time. That was 3 night ago. I think I may be able to get out of bed this afternoon. This is the first 3 days of a week's holidays. The new library shelves are not progressing... I have the Tas Oak to rough dimensions but that's as far as things have progressed. I won't be touching machines until my head settles. Cheers

Frederick Skelly
10-24-2017, 6:19 AM
Still in bed recovering from a road/sea trip. 4000km and 1200 nautical miles in ferry voygages. The trip was to pack and transport a coordinate measuring machine we purchased at auction in Adelaide. This machine will measure 3D objects up to 1800mm x 800mm x 800mm to the nanometre. Too risky to entrust it to general freight so I ended up with the job. It was a great trip until the final voyage across Bass Strait - seasickness hit big time. That was 3 night ago. I think I may be able to get out of bed this afternoon. This is the first 3 days of a week's holidays. The new library shelves are not progressing... I have the Tas Oak to rough dimensions but that's as far as things have progressed. I won't be touching machines until my head settles. Cheers

Get well Wayne!

Bill Berklich
10-24-2017, 7:38 AM
No woodworking for me. Spent a log weekend touring Shiloh National Battle Field (TN) and Corinth MS.

Wayne Lomman
10-24-2017, 5:28 PM
Thanks, Fred. Wednesday morning now and I can face breakfast at last! Cheers