View Full Version : SW Florida Wood Find

Julie Moriarty
10-12-2017, 12:52 PM
I've been here two years now and have been pretty disappointed with the quality and availability of hardwoods. Then, while Internet searching for hardwood stores along the trip back from CT, we found a place called Advanced Lumber in Sarasota. After I got home I looked them up online and found they have a large selection of live edge slabs.

The other day we made the trek north to Sarasota to check them out. While the stock of milled woods was small, their selection of live edge slabs was impressive.

Just an FYI for anyone interested.

We spent about three hours there trying to decide how our next project was going to go. We ended up bringing three slabs of what they called Flame Wood but I think it's figured cypress.

Barry McFadden
10-12-2017, 3:49 PM
Are you sure you didn't mean Advantage Lumber?

Julie Moriarty
10-13-2017, 7:22 AM
Are you sure you didn't mean Advantage Lumber?

Sorry, my bad. Thanks for the correction, Barry.

Here's the general link http://www.advantagelumber.com

Here's the live edge slab link: https://www.woodslabs.com

Doug Hepler
10-13-2017, 9:03 AM
Also, I have bought lumber from Amazon Exotic Hardwoods Inc  
Address (https://www.google.com/search?q=amazon+exotic+hardwoods+address&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LWT9c3LDfIMkgzrdKSzU620s_JT04syczPgzOsElNSilKLiwHH M4dNLgAAAA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4tKLf0u3WAhUM2oMKHWpnAQYQ6BMIkwEwEw): 328 Commercial St, Casselberry, FL 32707
Phone (https://www.google.com/search?q=amazon+exotic+hardwoods+phone&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4tKLf0u3WAhUM2oMKHWpnAQYQ6BMInAEwFQ): (407) 339-9590
