View Full Version : Wedge size for diameters 4 to 17 inch.

Bob Coates
10-11-2017, 8:04 PM
Attached are two pdf files that I created to show the sizes of a wedge needed to create a ring of rough diameter x. The table allows you to select a diameter for a ring and then reading across the line the sizes needed using different angle wedges.
For example a 4" ring could be made using 6- 12 segments, 6 – 24 segment and 9 – 36 segment Cutting at 1.07, .53 and .35 . From the decimal table.
The fractional table is a little harder to read, I could not come up with a way to display fractions in a compact manner. So 1 and 1/4 would be represented in the table as 1(16).
Question on another forum need row 4/5 explained. Hope this makes sense.
Row 5 across shows the arc angle of the cut segments in a ring and down is the diameter of the ring.
It is just 360 degrees divided by row 4 ie 360/8 = 45.
The way you can cut segments with a wedge sled I found it easier to think of the angles as what part of the circle -- arc angle instead of the normal way you would set the miter gauge to cut each side of the wedge. If you were using a miter gauge to get both sides of the wedge the same you would need to divide this number in half.

Phil Hansen
10-15-2017, 10:01 AM
Thanks. Comprehensive table

Bob Coates
10-21-2017, 8:36 AM
Hello Phil,
Been away, thanks for reply. If you would like the table using metric I think I can do that. If you send me in private email with size wedges you use and the diameter range I see if I can then send the results back to you.
