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View Full Version : Black Cherry Root Vase

John Hart
11-01-2005, 8:46 PM
Ok...I couldn't stand it. I pulled into the driveway tonight and saw this giant root sticking up in the air. I told Keith Burns about this root today and I just had to sample a piece. So I grabbed the Chainsaw and lopped off a piece and gave 'er a whirl. It was pretty gnarly and a whacked out shaped but once I got it sort of round, it went pretty well. One side is still a little flat but I like the character. I got the wall thickness down to about 1/8" and the cracks are see-through. It's very light and the colors are great. It stands 6" tall and 3" in diameter. I finished it with a concoction of BLO-Shellac-DNA. Because of the flat spot I couldn't spin-finish it so I just rubbed in about 8 or 9 coats...then buffed.

I love that tree!!!

Keith Burns
11-01-2005, 9:10 PM
That looks very nice John. Nice form and finish. I'm sure glad you don't waste time thinking about turning and just do it. :D I always enjoy your photos as well.

Andy Hoyt
11-01-2005, 9:17 PM
Hey! That's mighty nice. The defects make it. And your trick photography must have gotten rid of that flat spot 'cause I sure don't see it.

Bruce Shiverdecker
11-01-2005, 9:23 PM
Did that BAD BOY proud.


Dick Parr
11-01-2005, 10:29 PM
Great job John, looks nice.

Mark Cothren
11-01-2005, 10:42 PM
Another fine form on a beautiful piece of wood!