View Full Version : Using Gorilla glue as a finish

Mark Gibney
10-03-2017, 10:58 PM
Just watched this youtube video on using Gorilla glue as a finish. It's presented by Ask This Old House. Looks good, I might try it.


Bruce Page
10-03-2017, 11:15 PM
Interesting. I'm going to try it too.


Bill McNiel
10-04-2017, 1:51 PM
Interesting, never would have thought of it.
Mahalo for the post.

Rob Young
10-05-2017, 10:29 AM
I've seen that. Two thoughts:

One : I hope mango is some stable wood (looks like it could be, very interlocked grain) because gluing on that rather wide lid seems questionable

Two : Polyurethane glue is well, polyurethane. So maybe thin coats and frequent wipedown and a high-grit sanding might work.