View Full Version : looking for Grizzly 10% coupon

eugene thomas
09-27-2017, 11:29 PM
Looking to buy new sliding table saw from grizzly and wondering if any 10% coupons out their. been seeing them pop up on some forums latley. I have the pro 5 festool coupon that would be willing to pass along for. Basically if buy new tablesaw sure not going to be using the festol coupon anyway and December 31 expires.

Rick Potter
09-28-2017, 2:43 AM
They had a coupon on the cover of Woodworkers Journal (subscribers). It expires Sept. 30.

Ben Rivel
09-28-2017, 6:52 PM
I have a 10% Grizzly coupon you can have. Thought I was going to use it but turns out Ive got no money. PM me.

eugene thomas
09-28-2017, 8:51 PM
got a coupon and already used.... thanks a lot.

Ben Rivel
09-29-2017, 7:46 AM
Enjoy the new saw!

Dan Rude
09-29-2017, 11:46 PM
I have another WJ Coupon first PM gets it, you then have to post a picture of the purchase when it arrives. Dan

Dan Rude
09-29-2017, 11:58 PM
Coupon Taken. Dan

Ben Rivel
09-30-2017, 7:16 PM
Good to see these coupons not going to waste!

Michael Donahue
09-30-2017, 7:23 PM
Thank you Dan!! I now have a 2HP Grizzly DC with canister filter and remote on the way!!