View Full Version : Bird's eye figure in cherry

David Utterback
09-23-2017, 3:43 PM
Attached are a couple of photos of some cherry I have. It started as 8/4 that I intended to use for chairs. After seeing the intermittent bird's eye figure, I am wondering if it might be more suitable for turning. As you can see in one photo, the defects penetrate through the growth rings.

Two questions: Has you seen this figuring in cherry or any wood other than maple, and what suggestions do you have for use? I probably have about 20 bdft of the wood that is 8/4 by 8" wide.


Dave Diaman
09-23-2017, 3:47 PM
I know that as cats paw cherry. A lot of times the cluster of little knots makes a cats paw shape. When it is heavy enough it can look really good.

Lee Schierer
09-23-2017, 3:53 PM
Yes, I've seen areas like that in cherry. It isn't uncommon to see spots like that in boards. Sometimes you even see pitch pockets.

Here is a tea caddy I recently completed and you can see some spots right on the front.

Patrick McCarthy
09-23-2017, 4:40 PM
Dave Diaman, nice to see you posting. Long time fan of your work and appreciate your build threads from a few years back. Patrick

Bob Lang
09-23-2017, 4:42 PM
Reproduction of a medicine cabinet from the garage at the Gamble house.

John K Jordan
09-23-2017, 8:28 PM
Attached are a couple of photos of some cherry I have. It started as 8/4 that I intended to use for chairs. After seeing the intermittent bird's eye figure, I am wondering if it might be more suitable for turning. As you can see in one photo, the defects penetrate through the growth rings.

Two questions: Has you seen this figuring in cherry or any wood other than maple, and what suggestions do you have for use? I probably have about 20 bdft of the wood that is 8/4 by 8" wide.


I've seen that a number of times in cherry, some just this past week. Always sparse, never much. I have had a little in turnings and the figure is in fact interesting if you get it in the right spot, like in the side of a handle or box (although 8/4 is a little on the small side for a turned box.)


David Utterback
09-24-2017, 1:47 PM
Thanks for the responses. I like cat's paw for a name. They appear to be remnants from small branches that never matured. There are many of them in the several of the boards that I bought for making chairs. Unless carefully managed, I am afraid they would detract from the design. I guess that is the case with all figuring though.

Brad Shipton
09-24-2017, 2:39 PM
If you want to see some examples of different figure you can find in Cherry take a look at the Certainly Wood Veneer site under cherry. https://www.certainlywood.com/woodmenu2.php?category=Full-Length%20Domestic%20Veneers