View Full Version : Cherry Platter

Bruce Jones
09-23-2017, 10:40 AM
Hello once again everyone I wanted a piece do do some Pyrography on and I had this piece of cherry, but now after turning this piece and seeing the fire in the grain I think I may leave it as it is. just about 15 3/4" D and less than 1" thick finish is Tung oil.

Bruce Schoenleber
09-23-2017, 11:17 AM
I am with you Bruce, any embellishment would diminish the piece.

When you say finished with tung oil, do you mean a "tung oil finish" like Minwax or Formby's, or pure (possibly thinned with mineral spirits) tung oil? Either way, very nice.

Bruce Jones
09-23-2017, 11:22 AM
I am with you Bruce, any embellishment would diminish the piece.

When you say finished with tung oil, do you mean a "tung oil finish" like Minwax or Formby's, or pure (possibly thinned with mineral spirits) tung oil? Either way, very nice.Thank you Bruce the finish is 100% Tung oil not thinned.


Brice Rogers
09-23-2017, 1:45 PM
Nice bead on the bottom. Did you use a beading tool or a bowl gouge?

Bruce Jones
09-23-2017, 10:32 PM
Nice bead on the bottom. Did you use a beading tool or a bowl gouge?Thank you Bruce, I used a Bowl gouge and a Skew.