View Full Version : I'm going to buy a lathe! Hmmm!?

Harry Whisman
09-21-2017, 12:47 PM
Greetings wood turner effienados.
This is my 1st post; hello and thank you.
For some reason I seem to be drawn toward all things lathe these days and since I have zero lathe experience I thought I might come here to listen to suggestions on which machine and extras to look for.

I've done some research which always points to the same thing: "Buy as nice as you can afford"

So with that in mind here's what I'm thinking:

Machine needs to hold it's value such that I can change my mind and trade for a different toy later as I'm retired and therefor a cheapskate. My wood shop has lots of "old iron" in it and "old iron is where I'm leaning here as well.

I would like the ability to turn larger more substantial pieces as well as the small stuff. I thought the video I saw of the guy turning bowls from alabaster and hardwood was really cool although I might not make that my first project.

There are two Powermatic 45s on Eugene Or Craigslist. One is said to be completely rebuilt and refinished w/mobile base, new motor 0-3000rpm, and no tooling for $1200 and the other comes with at least a few tools 190-3000rpm. Both 220single phase.

Both of these ads have been up for a while so the machines might possibly go for less.

Also the carving tools and accessories; same parameters.

Decisions decisi

Perry Hilbert Jr
09-21-2017, 1:14 PM
That is on the high side of the range for around the central Atlantic. A good lathe assuming it has not been abused. Model 90's can be had for those prices here. 45's are generally around $750 I generally distrust any equipment that has been painted a non factory color. Paint can hide a lot.

Kyle Iwamoto
09-21-2017, 1:17 PM
Hi! Welcome! We will help you spend lots of money.......
Since you seem to like old iron, the PM 45 and tools seems like a good start. Got 220 already?
Yes, buy as good as you can afford. Sharpening jigs and a grinder should be your first outside purchase.

David DeCristoforo
09-21-2017, 1:45 PM
I'm a big fan of old iron. The old PMs are great machines and the one with the VFD would get you around dealing with the reeves drive which many dislike. Adding riser blocks to these machines to increase their capacity is not uncommon and they are heavy and robust enough to handle the extra load. The six hundred for the wheely cart thing is a bit of a stretch. Around seven hundred would be a fair price for either of these lathes. Make an offer. The one with the VFD might be worth a bit more.

Barry McFadden
09-21-2017, 5:46 PM
Direct links to Craigslist aren't allowed at SMC

Reed Gray
09-21-2017, 7:31 PM
I haven't looked on Craigs list in a long time, so didn't see those. I am not a fan of the Reeves drive at all. I mean they do work, but frustrating because they seem to need a lot of maintenance. I don't know of any for sale locally though. Are you a member of the Beaver State Woodturners? I may have met you, but can't remember....

robo hippy

John C Bush
09-21-2017, 8:45 PM
Just got info on a PM 90 in Seattle, Haven't seen it but talked to the gentleman that is selling it. If interested I can forward contact info for you,

John Keeton
09-22-2017, 8:11 AM
Direct links to Craigslist aren't allowed at SMCBarry, CL links aren't permitted in the Classified Forum and eBay links aren't permitted anywhere on SMC. I don't recall any prohibition against a CL link in this forum so long as it is not for a commercial purpose or otherwise does not violate the other rules and TOS.

Barry McFadden
09-22-2017, 10:30 AM
Barry, CL links aren't permitted in the Classified Forum and eBay links aren't permitted anywhere on SMC. I don't recall any prohibition against a CL link in this forum so long as it is not for a commercial purpose or otherwise does not violate the other rules and TOS.

OK...thanks John... I was mistaken....

dave hulett
09-23-2017, 12:17 PM
Harry, Welcome to world of wood turning! After 20 years of woodworking, I went to an intro to woodturning course at the local community college 4 years ago and was hooked. But a word from experience, whatever you spend on a lathe, plan on spending at LEAST twice that on accessories. (Chucks, tools, tool rests, sandpaper, wood, etc) Just make sure you remember that when you are planning a budget! Have fun!

peter Joseph
09-25-2017, 2:40 PM
I love old machinery but lathes never seem to have the swing I'm looking for. I picked up a Nova 1624 this weekend and have really been enjoying it. Not bad for 1000$