View Full Version : Salad bowl finish & mineral spirits on cutting board? Seems dull.

Patrick Irish
09-14-2017, 7:21 PM
I wanted to give The woodwhisperer's cutting board finish a try. He used salad bowl finish and mineral spirits at 50/50 mix.

Mineral oil and beeswax has bee my go to and makes the wood pop. This 50/50 varnish seems dull.

I followed instructions where the board was sanded very smooth. I went to 600. Then I applied first coat, waited 24 hours. Applied another and wet sander with 600. Waited 24 hours. Applied another, wet sanded then wiped it with the grain. That's where I'm at.

I'm not impressed. Seems blotchy and not as vibrant as with mineral oil.

Should I call it a day or do something else? Maybe after 48 hours and buff job it will look different.


Bruce Wrenn
09-14-2017, 10:03 PM
Are you over paying for your mineral oil? Walmart sells it as a laxative for a lot less than wood working stores. Avoid baby oil (same stuff) but with a scent added.

Art Mann
09-14-2017, 11:00 PM
I hope Patrick is using mineral oil instead of mineral spirits!

Harold Balzonia
09-15-2017, 1:22 AM
Nope... in the video Patrick is referring to, the recipe is 50/50 salad bowl finish and mineral spirits. After seeing the video a number of years ago, I thought I'd give it a try, as well. Same exact result as Patrick.... splotchy, uneven mess. I never was able to fix it. I thought the thinning of the SBF might make it penetrate better into the wood and create a better finish but it didn't work, at all.

I never tried thinning SBF a second time. Sorry to say I don't have a solution for you but I can offer consolation in that you aren't the only one this happened to. I can't recall if I used Behlens or General Finishes SBF but I don't think it would have mattered....

Jon Grider
09-15-2017, 6:09 AM
Read the online Safety Data Sheet [SDS] for mineral spirits. It's nothing I would want on a product that has food contact, whether it has evaporated or not.

Robert Parent
09-15-2017, 7:46 AM
Are you over paying for your mineral oil? Walmart sells it as a laxative for a lot less than wood working stores. Avoid baby oil (same stuff) but with a scent added.

+1 I have also been using this for years with great results. For smaller parts I soak them in a pan of oil, let them drip somewhat dry on a metal cookie rack (held over the pan), and then buff with a soft cloth.


Wayne Lomman
09-15-2017, 8:07 AM
Just oil is fine. Manufactured finishes like this are designed to remove money from your wallet for no return. Cheers