View Full Version : For my sisters birthday

Mark Yundt
09-09-2017, 6:12 PM
She had seen a photo of a piece I did some time ago and loved it. She is familiar with most of my work but never saw the early interpretive styled pieces I used to do when carving was just a hobby . And since she strongly hinted she really wanted one I built this for her today.
The Eagle swooping in a dive is Mahogany with a slight stain and gloss finish. It's 14" long. The vertical piece is basswood with an ultra flat finish and the base is done with black fleck stone . Overall it stands 14".

Mel Fulks
09-09-2017, 7:26 PM
Nice work and diplomacy. I add diplomat to skill set because I have a couple of sisters and I'm guessing the strong hint was along the lines of " Mark, when am I going to get that eagle hood ornament looking thing that you keep promising me? You know I love those!"

Mark Yundt
09-10-2017, 12:52 AM
Hahaha! Oh my yes! You're quite perceptive . It was actually " how do I get one of those on my birthday / Christmas list" text.
Somewhat ironically she and her husband had a woodworking shop out in the Hamptons in NY. More kitchens and the like but funny!

Tom Sontag
09-19-2017, 8:01 AM
I don't blame her. That is really cool.

Mark Yundt
09-19-2017, 8:59 AM
Thanks. I've done many variations but it's a nice clean design I think.

John K Jordan
09-19-2017, 9:10 AM
She had seen a photo of a piece I did some time ago and loved it. She is familiar with most of my work but never saw the early interpretive styled pieces I used to do when carving was just a hobby . And since she strongly hinted she really wanted one I built this for her today.
The Eagle swooping in a dive is Mahogany with a slight stain and gloss finish. It's 14" long. The vertical piece is basswood with an ultra flat finish and the base is done with black fleck stone . Overall it stands 14".

Excellent! I've probably never seen wood impart motion as well. I particularly like the view in the last photo.


Mark Yundt
09-27-2017, 6:47 PM
Thanks John. I knew that wood stretcher would come in handy one day. It's like pulling taffy !