View Full Version : PC 7518 Speed Control

Robert Stanton
08-30-2017, 8:27 AM
I am in the process of bypassing the speed control module on my PC 7518 and wiring in my own speed control. Amazon has several options but all have some bad reviews. I suspect many of these reviews are people trying to speed regulate soft start or speed controlled devices. Some have stated the device worked then simply failed. As with many tech reviews on Amazon, I noticed the majority of negative comments due to quality were within the past few years. Not unlike the people who have had their 7518s for years and can't fathom that PC now makes substandard power tools.

Question: Has anyone found a more robust speed regulator? Perhaps a unit designed for industrial applications?

Nick Decker
08-30-2017, 9:43 AM
Unfortunately, I'm seeing these same speed control issues reported with the big Milwaukee routers, too. Again, it's the more recent units, not the older ones. The manufacturers can't be ignorant to this, I just don't get it.

Robert Stanton
08-30-2017, 10:48 AM
I don't think the same people actually own the degraded companies anymore. They buy a company with a good name. Slowly slim down production standards until people notice. Then they reduce the price. I know Beismeyer did this. I'd pay double for a quality reliable tool but that option is slowly becoming impossible.

Grant Wilkinson
08-31-2017, 7:08 AM
This one seems to get good reviews


Robert Stanton
08-31-2017, 8:02 AM
This device is rated for 2.5hp. The 7518 is 3.25hp. Not sure how important that is but I don't want to smoke a $155 controller finding out. :)

Grant Wilkinson
08-31-2017, 8:44 AM
I apologize, Robert. I didn't read the specs closely. I have been trying to find the net discussion that led me to that site and I can't seem to find it. In the discussion, a couple of guys had used it successfully with a 7518. It may be worth a call to the company to talk to them about it.

Nick Decker
08-31-2017, 9:38 AM
I'd guess you should use the amp rating rather than the (probably) bogus horsepower rating used by marketing. But yeah, call the company.

Grant Wilkinson
08-31-2017, 1:51 PM
Here is the thread where a Creeker says he has used the Super PID with a 7518.


Robert Stanton
09-05-2017, 8:46 AM
I sent an inquiry to VHIPE.com and they indicated the 7518/19 are compatible and used frequently. I ordered mine (looks like about 2 weeks delivery from Australia) and will post install updates when available.

Nick Decker
09-05-2017, 8:51 AM
I'll look forward to your reports on this. Just curious, do you consider yourself knowledgeable about electronic stuff?

Robert Stanton
09-06-2017, 10:47 PM
Retired Navy elec tech. Submarines. Not an engineer per se but resourceful enough to tackle this. I'll post my results.