View Full Version : A couple new projects for the shop

Ken Garlock
10-29-2005, 4:34 PM
Over the past couple months I have been working "what ever comes to mind next' type things. Here is some pix of the work.

First is a line of wall shelves I put along the north wall to help hold the things this clutter the cabinet surfaces.

Note the shelf bracket that caused me to tangle with my router. :(

The next two are my implementation of the Shop Notes miter saw station.

Continued in next post.

Bernie Weishapl
10-29-2005, 4:37 PM
Where's the saw dust???:eek: Looks really good Ken. I like the mitre saw stations. Sheleves, can't have enough shelves. Ken that should keep the bench nice and clear.

Ken Garlock
10-29-2005, 4:42 PM
I wanted something that was not too high, and didn't cause me to trip over it. This was my solution. It is attached to the wall with 6 #14x2 1/2 screws through 1x4 oak. The plywood sides are glued and screwed to the oak board.

The top surface is Wilson Art laminate. Trim is 1x3 poplar that was dadoed to slide over the plywood edges on the legs. The drawer was an experiment in that the trim molding is attached to the drawer face.

The Baldor grinder I got for a song on a close out, less than $150 for a $280 unit. The jigs are from Veritas, and the stones are 1000 and 8000 Shapton.

Dan Oliphant
10-29-2005, 5:12 PM
I really like the sharpening station, well done.

Dick Parr
10-29-2005, 5:33 PM
Great job Ken on all the projects, they look great. No better feeling then making stuff for yourself once in awhile.:)

Again, nice job;)

Bob Noles
10-29-2005, 7:35 PM
I do like the sharpening station Ken. I wish I still had an empty slot of wall space to squeeze one in. You have a great looking set up going for you and have done some really nice work.

Corey Hallagan
10-29-2005, 8:16 PM
Nice work Ken! The shop looks great!
