View Full Version : Osborne EB-3 Miter Gauge

Robert Stanton
08-22-2017, 4:19 PM
I was planning on integrating a miter rig to my new table saw sled. I couldn't find a design I liked so I started looking into miter gauges. I came across an Osborne EB-3 miter gauge. I read the reviews and all complaints were manageable and product quality was not an issue. There are several quality issues noted by users with the Incra and Kreg. I first used it this weekend. I was cutting 22.5 degree 10" in pieces. When I test fit them together they matted perfectly with no gap...Straight out of the box. So far, I'm very impressed.

Frederick Skelly
08-22-2017, 6:17 PM
Hi Robert. Welcome to the Creek and thanks for sharing your experience with the Osborne. I chose the Incra over the Osborne and a couple others, but I think it's very useful to have as many opinions in the archives here as possible. There's lotsa ways to skin a cat and what works for me won't necessarily work best for everyone.

Look forward to seeing you post some of your work some time.

Edit: For anyone who might be interested in the future, here was my brief review (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?221234-Brief-review-Four-miter-gauges-2-Incra-Osborne-amp-Kreg&highlight=Incra) of the ones I tried. YMMV.

Joe Spear
08-22-2017, 6:23 PM
I had an Osborne years ago. It was very accurate. I sold it and got an Incra, which is also very accurate. I think the complaints about the Incra are because people don't know how to set it up. The reason I sold the Osborne is because at the time I had a Bosch 4000, and the end of the Osborne would fall over the edge because the table was too small. I have had a Jet cabinet saw now for over a decade, and the Osborne would have been great on it.

Von Bickley
08-22-2017, 10:27 PM
Congratulations on your new miter gauge. I think the top 3 miter gauges are the Osborne, the Incra, and the Kreg. If I want perfect miters, I use my Incra 1000 HD.

Bob Leistner
08-22-2017, 11:10 PM
I went through this exercise a couple of years ago and chose the Woodhaven miter gage. It is very accurate, sturdy and compact. The Osbourne came in second for me due to its taking up alot of space. The Incra just seemed to have too many parts to do a simple job and the Kreg wasn't given good reviews at the time. I think at the end of the day , each one will get the job done. To each his own.
Bob L.

Peter Christensen
08-22-2017, 11:13 PM
I have an Osborne and like it too. I'd actually like a second one setup for the other slot, then I wouldn't have to switch it around when I wanted to cut something on the other side.

Kevin Womer
08-23-2017, 6:04 AM
I like my incra, but I'm used to it as I've had it for 15 years or so. I would have liked to compare it when I bought it to the Osborne, but woodcraft didn't carry it at the time or if they did I didn't know enough about it to notice it. Either way I'm happy with mine as you will be with yours, they are all reliable, repeatable, and consistent compared to OEM miter gauges. Enjoy!

Wayne Jolly
08-23-2017, 11:59 AM
The only thing I don't like about my Osbourne is that when moving from right of blade, to left of blade, I have to re-square it to the blade. Other than that I like it a lot.


scott spencer
08-23-2017, 12:06 PM
I have an EB-3, Incra V27, and had a Woodhaven Deluxe. All excellent gauges, but I prefer the EB-3 for ease of use, accuracy, stability, and the length of the extension arm. The Woodhaven Deluxe was the most robust, but was very cumbersome to change angles with.

Randy Red Bemont
08-23-2017, 2:17 PM
I too have the Osborne and love it. Very easy to use and accurate.


Mike Cutler
08-24-2017, 10:45 AM
The Osborne EB3 is pretty much a standard. I've read very few negatives associated with it through the years. They're nice.
I don't own one, I have the Incra Miter 2000, and a JessEm Mast-R-Slide, for my table saw(s). Both of mine can be difficult to setup properly, but once done, they're rock solid. The same is true with the Osborne I suspect.
I think it's the setup that is the result of negative reviews for tools like these.

Only one problem with using an Osborne, If it doesn't cut accurately, it's your fault. ;)