View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
08-13-2017, 9:52 PM
14 Aug 2017

Good Evening / Morning,
I'm starting a we-bit early because I need to. :)
The LOML and I just got back from Ketchikan, AK for a 1 week vacation trip. My high school best friend lives there and we stayed with him and his wife while there and we got to go salmon fishing.
Here's me, the boat owner (Guy), and my best friend:

And here is the LOML with her prize catch:

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
08-14-2017, 9:21 AM
Sounds like a fish story, Dennis... :D :D :D (one I'm jealous of, of course)


Mixed-bag weekend of mowing, installing a different antenna in an attempt at "cord cutting", passed ownership of a PTO-driven chipper/shredder to a friend and continued with some shop reorganization. Nothing exiting, in other words.

Mike Ontko
08-14-2017, 10:23 AM

I thought the "prize catch" photo you were referring to was going to be of you and the Mrs :) Looks like you all had a good time.

We're still house/land hunting and probably will be for some time (sigh). The real estate market is moving at glacial speeds out here in the Northwest. I don't know how long it'll be before I can get back to some serious shop time. But when I do, I'm planning on familiarizing myself with the processes of chair building by making a couple of scaled down low-back chairs as stands for my Klipsch speakers--relics from the late 1980s. That practice should hopefully provide enough experience to guide me in building a couple of tall stools for our breakfast bar.

In the meantime, I have a pair of Kunz spokeshaves (flat and convex) that I'd purchased a couple months earlier for use on future chair projects and the like. last weekend, I made a sharpening jig/blade holder based on a Peter Sellers video, and took care of setting up both shaves. It took a good hour each to lap the back side of the blades flat, but the jig made relatively easy work of the honing process (I use wet/dry sandpaper up to 1500 grit and a 4000/8000 Norton wet stone).

I have enough leftover cherry, maple, and ash from other projects to make the speaker stands. But because our house has to be ready at a moment's notice for showing to prospective buyers, I have to limit the amount of dust or shavings I create at any one time. So, I don't know how much I'll get done before the Fall. Besides, the peaches are starting to ripen, which means next week will likely be taken up for picking and processing (just one tree though...thankfully).

Tom Bain
08-15-2017, 8:11 AM
My Mom was in town visiting which was great. She also helped me strip an old church pew that I'm repurposing into a kitchen booth. She has a lot more experience with refinshing than I do. Some good mother/son bonding time :-)

Tim M Tuttle
08-15-2017, 9:46 AM
Finally built my assembly/outfeed table. Just gotta touch up a few things this evening and it will be done.





Jay Larson
08-15-2017, 10:14 AM
I started Saturday by working on the exhaust manifold my Wrangler. I was getting a bit of noise and the idle was a bit high, so I re-torqued the bolts on the intake and exhaust manifolds. Then while I was crawling around underneath, I bumped the tailpipe. Ahhh, that is where the noise was coming from. The bolts for the connection from the header to the tailpipe were loose. I guess I will have to fire the guy that worked on that before. Wait, that was me... Anyway, both problems were solved, and it runs great, just in time for the trail ride this weekend.
Sunday, we spent some time with my fiance's father. Her mother passed away a couple of weeks ago, so we went over to see how he was doing. Turns out he was keeping quite busy doing some landscaping. Then later that night we went to go see a local blues band. First band I ever heard do a cover of "Going Down" by Don Nix. Better known (to me) from the version by Jeff Back and Rod Stewart.

lowell holmes
08-15-2017, 11:47 AM
It kinda looks like my outfeed table, except mine is bolted to the saw with legs. My table extension is formica covered plywood.
My side table is also formica covered and I have a router I can put in it when I need it. I can use the rip fence when routing
if I need it.

Tim M Tuttle
08-15-2017, 12:17 PM
It kinda looks like my outfeed table, except mine is bolted to the saw with legs. My table extension is formica covered plywood.
My side table is also formica covered and I have a router I can put in it when I need it. I can use the rip fence when routing
if I need it.

Very tight quarters in my garage so I kept the table mobile. I move stuff around a lot. The cantilevered part is also hinged so it can get smaller if needed.

Rod Sheridan
08-15-2017, 3:25 PM
I built some roof trusses for my garden shed and spent time visiting my daughter in the hospital.....Rod.