View Full Version : Jubillo platter and black locust bowl

Damon McLaughlin
08-10-2017, 2:02 AM
I've been busy this week. The first is a platter made from jobillo. The blank was a board 12" square by 1" tall. The finished platter is 11.5" by 7/8". There is a flat side, I decided that it added character as my other alternative was to turn a smaller platter. The second piece is a rustic black locust crotch bowl, the bowl portion measures about 8" or so in diameter.







David Delo
08-10-2017, 7:25 AM
Double thumbs up David. I don't know if that's the natural coloring for Jubillo but sure makes for a very interesting piece.

Brian Kent
08-10-2017, 10:48 AM
Very beautiful, and I have never heard of jubilo.

daryl moses
08-10-2017, 11:11 AM
Great looking pieces!!

Damon McLaughlin
08-10-2017, 12:24 PM
Double thumbs up David. I don't know if that's the natural coloring for Jubillo but sure makes for a very interesting piece.

Yes, that is the natural color. It cuts beautifully, hardly needs any sanding and takes a finish nicely. I have another piece that will make for a 15" platter but I'm waiting for a bit of inspiration before I begin that one.

John K Jordan
08-10-2017, 12:40 PM
Yes, that is the natural color. It cuts beautifully, hardly needs any sanding and takes a finish nicely. I have another piece that will make for a 15" platter but I'm waiting for a bit of inspiration before I begin that one.

Wow, you are getting great wood, and wood I've certainly never heard of. Life is good!

But I think "hardly needs any sanding" is a reflection of the skill of the turner instead of an attribute of the wood. :)


PS, I can't find "jubillo" wood with google. Could it be "jobillo"?
The Wood Database lists:
Common Name(s): Goncalo Alves, Tigerwood, Jobillo
Scientific Name: Astronium spp. (A. graveolens and A. fraxinifolium)
Distribution: From Mexico southward to Brazil

However, the rest of the wood doesn't look like goncalo alves. If that wood is local to you could Jubillo be a local name? Regardless, the wood is interesting. I wonder if it will hold it's color over time or fade like box elder.

Damon McLaughlin
08-10-2017, 2:50 PM
John, you appear to be correct in the spelling and I've corrected my posts (I can't seem to correct the title though). It was labeled 'jubillo' in the store so I went with it without checking more about the wood. Thank thank you for your compliment. I think my sharpening skills are evolving which shows in my final cuts. It hurt to initially pay for wood but in the end it was well worth it.

Adam Petersen
08-10-2017, 2:56 PM
That's a new wood to me too and is beautiful. I really like the face design and colors. It looks like an exotic planet. Nicely done!

Damon McLaughlin
08-10-2017, 3:40 PM
Woodcraft in Spokane has a few more pieces, I'm half tempted to buy another piece but I need to get some sandpaper first.

Allan Ferguson
08-10-2017, 4:05 PM
All nicely done David.