View Full Version : West Australian Woodshow 2017

Derek Cohen
08-07-2017, 10:54 AM
It's that time of the year again. The West Australian Woodshow was this past weekend. Chris Vesper, toolmaker extraordinaire came to stay, as he usually does, and I spent the weekend on his stand. Usually we get up to some form of mischief, but this year Chris brought along a few boxes of NOS saw files ... which were the very best I have ever seen ... 5" Nicholsons needle files made in Australia and sold last in 1998 ...


And so I spent a couple of days demoing filing saws. It's amazing how many people will stop to watch and ask questions. Got through a few ...

I was also there for the furniture competition. I had entered the Sofa Table (with hidden drawer) ...


This year I won first prize.


Second prize went to this hall table. It was really nicely done with some of the most amazingly fiddleback Sheoak ...


Third prize went to the winner of the past three years in a row. Ian specialises in veneer. This piece had a waterfall edge, the product of a recent workshop run by Michael Fortune ...


He also did this chest, below, which was one of my favourite pieces. The drawers let it down (not dovetailed) ...


Another good piece was this bombe (let down with some poor finishing) ...


There were interesting boxes, although I did not find that these were up to the standard of last year. First prize went to this unusual piece ...


This piece was the second place ...


The winner of the past few years, who has built some amazing boxes, came in third. He actually entered a trio of boxes, and this may have been his undoing. Here are two ...



There were some fantastic embellished turned pieces. This was first place ...


First in collaboration ...


There was also a category called "small treasures". I didn't really get the first place ...


And a last picture, from the carving section ...


Until next year ..

Regards from Perth


James Pallas
08-07-2017, 11:09 AM
Congratulations Derek. You are definitely up in some rare air with that kind of competition.

Rick Malakoff
08-07-2017, 11:11 AM
Derek, what great news that you got first place, I loved the simplicity of the design and the gracefulness it projects.
Thanks for sharing pictures of the other entries.


Kees Heiden
08-07-2017, 2:00 PM
Well deserved!

Hasin Haroon
08-07-2017, 2:03 PM
Congratulations Derek, especially impressive considering the quality of the competition. Thanks for sharing with us.

Joe Bailey
08-07-2017, 3:08 PM
Congratulations, Derek.
After years of following your work (and growth), I feel a vicarious sense of pride!

Brian Holcombe
08-07-2017, 6:32 PM
Well done Derek! Congrats!

Brent Cutshall
08-07-2017, 6:41 PM
Wow, that's great! I've got to say, I've never won first place.

Malcolm Schweizer
08-07-2017, 7:05 PM
Congratulations, and also thanks for sharing. Your award is well deserved.

Malcolm McLeod
08-07-2017, 7:21 PM
Congratulations! And very magnanimous of you to highlight your (tough) competitor's efforts.

Jim Koepke
08-07-2017, 7:21 PM
Congratulations, Derek.
After years of following your work (and growth), I feel a vicarious sense of pride!

+1 on that and you deserve your winning.


Derek Cohen
08-07-2017, 7:56 PM
Thanks all. I was very surprised at the result. I guess begging and pleading works. :)

Regards from Perth


Bill McNiel
08-07-2017, 8:44 PM
Yippee for you Derek. Nicely done.

Frederick Skelly
08-07-2017, 8:53 PM
Congratulations Derek!!!!!!!!!

(Told ya you should have sent that beautiful table in to FWW. :))

Pat Barry
08-07-2017, 9:10 PM
Very nice Derek. Thanks for showing us some of the other fine work. Looks like you finished your project just in time before the show! Congratulations.

David Eisenhauer
08-07-2017, 9:39 PM
What beautiful, outstanding work from all, including your work Derek. Good on ya.

Jeff Ranck
08-10-2017, 10:42 AM
Congratulations Derek. I have always enjoyed your designs and hope one day to have a fraction of your skill.


Derek Cohen
08-10-2017, 12:33 PM
Many thanks to all of you for your very kind words. A significant part of my results comes from the encouragement and discussion of you guys on this forum.

Regards from Perth


Christopher Charles
08-10-2017, 3:17 PM
Very well deserved and I'm sure it was all the more satisfying after being so close in recent years.

And many thanks for sharing the other fine work from the show--always inspiring.
