View Full Version : Nova Comet II Noise

Thomas Canfield
07-31-2017, 10:18 PM
A knocking noise developed with my little Comet today that I finally tracked down to the knurl wheel on the spindle lock pin. The actual pin is threaded and the knurl wheel is tapped with 2 different drilled holes on the under side, one to keep disengaged, and another to engage the pin for locking and indexing. The wheel had loosened on the pin enough that it did not pull the pin completely out of the path of the locking slots and made slight contact and knocking noise. Simple fix was to hold pin with needle nose pliers and tighten wheel to pin. At first it looked like the spindle shaft would need to be removed to allow removal of the locking pin assembly. Strange thing is that the noise increase after hooking up vacuum system and I thought it was a bearing issue.

Brian Kent
07-31-2017, 11:36 PM
Happy for you that you figured this one out. Congratulations.