View Full Version : Salt Lake City - USA - Second-Hand Tools Shops

Axel de Pugey
07-30-2017, 7:19 PM
Dear woodworkers from Utah,

Last time I did a little tour in the US (few years ago in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana) I stopped in almost every “thrift store” and “antiques” along my way, hoping to find a good old rusty hand tool.

I did not find anything and came back quite frustrated. It’s frustrating because in Europe in almost every country I go, I find something worth buying, so I guess I was either unlucky or I don’t look in the right direction in the US.

I am now planning to come back in this country in September and will be 2 days in Salt Lake City.
Could you recommend at least one place selling second-hand hand tools in this area?

I am particularly interested in tools which are scarce in Europe, i.e. Metal NON bench planes, specific US brands such as Ohio, Orange, Miller Falls etc.

This is just for my own use.
I would be happy to bump into a metal scrub plane or someting like a Stanley 95 for example…I am not looking for a super bargain, just a nice tool...but oh well, anything would do, I’ll be on holidays so…I come to walk a bit in Yellowstone, but I’ll have space in my rucksack on the way back.

Many thanks for your help!

P.S: if this thread is posted in the wrong section, I apologize. If you are an admin, please feel free to move it to another section.

Pete Taran
07-30-2017, 7:48 PM

Wrong part of the country. Stop in Lancaster County PA and hit Adamstown and Morgantown while you are there. That's tool central. I'm afraid you will be frustrated by your finds in UT.

Jim Koepke
07-30-2017, 8:05 PM
Finding used tools can be a hit or miss proposition. You may try a Google search with variations on > second hand stores salt lake city utah tools < as a starting point.

Usually when out on the hunt in a new area I will start a conversation with people at the counter and ask about tools or if they have any tools or is a tool section. Especially in antique stores I have found they often know the other dealers in the area and will send you over to them. Most likely right after you leave they will call the other dealer and tell them someone is coming their way.

You may also look into Craigslist for the area and keep an eye on items of interest. Sometimes there are people who do a lot of sales on Craigslist. You might be able to meet up with one of them.

Just make sure to either ship the items home or have them in checked baggage. TSA isn't likely going to allow a plane with its blade or a roll of chisels on board the plane in a backpack.


Axel de Pugey
08-04-2017, 8:09 PM
Thanks a lot Jim.

As a matter of fact, last time I was in this country I did look at the local classifieds website you mentioned and asked a lot verbally wherever I was.

Twice, some general "antique shops" did indeed give me good "tools thrift stores" addresses, but nothing worth a buy from my point of view. I am still unsure of the classification of these shops as it is very different where I live.

I am seriously tempering my hopes for a "good rust buy" next holidays (again because of the region maybe) but fortunately as you suggest one cannot plan and therefore the hunt is somehow always fun for me (don't ask my wife ans son though, the black and white photography hobby being already too much for them on holidays).

It depends on the holidays, the country, the region, the season, the shape of the clouds i.e.I am currently on holidays for 2 weeks in Danmark and found already nice E.A.Berg chisels, let's hope I can be more lucky than last time on the other side of the pond next month.

Anyway Thanks for sharing your point of view.
And with my experience in the USA, I know one european resident can still find some "exoticism in the US" even without finding any old tool worth buying, and the "friendliness" of US people is quite nice and different so...
My "hard-earned holiday" won't be spoiled anyhow!

Thanks for reading and helping me

Jim Koepke
08-05-2017, 12:15 AM
Thanks for reading and helping me

Sure thing, you are welcome.

You might also look for architectural salvage dealers, pawn shops and other second hand outlets.

Good luck on the hunt and let us know what you find.


Dave Parkis
08-05-2017, 8:34 AM
I agree with Pete. Tools are notoriously scarce in that part of the country, so I doubt you'll have much luck. That's not to say you shouldn't look, just adjust your expectations. If you ever decide to visit the Northeast region of the US, your luck will be MUCH better. If you ever get to Albany, NY and visit my shop, I can guarantee you'll find some things.

Wayne Taylor
08-05-2017, 2:28 PM
The western US is a spectacular place, but not for old hand tools.

I live in California and it is frustrating. On a very rare occasion you will come across an old plane, saw, or chisel.

From my point of view, the UK seems to be the epicenter of old and beautiful hand tools. The eastern US also seems to be a good place for tools.

Axel de Pugey
08-07-2017, 5:55 PM
Ok I will try my luck and lower my hopes.
Thanks everybody!

Jim Koepke
08-07-2017, 7:15 PM
Another thought would be to Google > Salt Lake City Free Classifieds < and run an ad about how you will be in the area and when and are wanting to buy old tools. You can even open a new email address just for this. Also a "Want To Buy" ad on Craigslist might shake a few old tools out of hiding.


Travis A Jensen
08-10-2017, 6:41 PM
As a resident of the Salt Lake City area, I concur: poor pickings. There just wasn't enough time between "civilized settling", population growth, and the advent of the consumer society, which is sad because, culturally, this is a place that would have reveled in the tools.

Utah hasn't really gotten too into Craigslist. The best online classified site is KSL classifieds (https://ksl.com/classifieds). There are some antique shops around. I haven't been to many, but the ones I have been to have been scarce on tools.

Jim Koepke
08-10-2017, 7:49 PM
Howdy Travis and Welcome to the Creek.

The point you make about the time between "civilized settling" and the consumer society is likely why there are so few large hoards of tools out west. One of my better sources bought most of his tools on trips to England.


Axel de Pugey
08-22-2017, 6:08 PM
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Travis and for the website.

I will bring a list of antique shops adresses, and will try my luck.

Thanks again Jim for your commitment.

Axel de Pugey
09-15-2017, 7:52 PM
So as I came back yesterday, I think I should wrap up this question on my side:

Checking KSL before and during the trip did not bring anything up.
The first day going north I did not find anything in thrift stores, but later in Montana I found an antique dealer’s cellar entirely dedicated to Stanley. I haven’t seen so many Bedrocks in my life but this expensive antiques shop was missing the #95 and others I am trully looking for. Being in such a place was still amazing.

Then, just one hour before to drop off the rental car in SLC, I stopped for the 10th time in a thrift store and I bumped into a #5 type 11 and a #7C type 10 for 20 usd each. The #5 has the top of the tote damaged and both are quite rusty, but I was super happy of that last minute buy! They will have a citric acid bath this week end.

I did not realistically need more bench planes, but one always has to buy a souvenir from a good trip...right?!

Thanks again for all the good inputs.

Frederick Skelly
09-15-2017, 8:18 PM
Thanks for the follow up post Axel. I hope you enjoyed your stay "out west".

Jim Koepke
09-16-2017, 12:55 AM
I stopped for the 10th time in a thrift store and I bumped into a #5 type 11 and a #7C type 10 for 20 usd each. The #5 has the top of the tote damaged and both are quite rusty, but I was super happy of that last minute buy!

Another thanks for the follow up. Those both somewhat decent price wise. Just goes to show why some places need a visit whenever it is possible, things keep changing. Not sure if the #5 would come home with me, but the #7C would certainly be looked at carefully.


Axel de Pugey
09-23-2017, 4:45 PM
Thank you Frederick, I did enjoy this trip again...but each time I go to the US I go west because of the wilderness...I shall go east next time to find more rusty things...

Thanks again for your dedication Jim,..by the way, reading the other thread about plane type, I realized that the #7C I bought was a 9, not a 10...That makes it even more interesting, once set, I never needed to move the frog of my other 7 anyway. (now do I REALLY need two 7?! hem)